I have been chatting to many folks of late that have NO idea of - TopicsExpress


I have been chatting to many folks of late that have NO idea of what a sctatching post is, how to make one, or why a cat might ignore one kind and love another so I thought I would post what I have found. Every kitten has a Mom & one of the things Mom teaches her babies is how to scratch. Now Mom will either be a veticle scratcher or a horizontal one. Now since NO reputable breeder will give you a kitten at a week old or so you have to accept what you get. If you get a vertical scratcher get a vertical scratch post and make sure it is at least twice as tall as your cat is long. Why??? Cats like to mark their territory with scratches and they make these territorial markings as high as they can so that they appear as big as possible. This is an instinct so you cannot argue here. If Mom is a horizontal scratcher then you need a horizontal scratch post. How can you make one?? Take two 2x4s and glue them together. You can use white glue and clamp them or no more nails and clamp them. Attach the 2x4s to a large base at least 60 cm square ( 2) Make the base of something heavy like 3/4 plywood. Now cover the base with carpet remnants. Now go to Canadian Tire or some other such place and purchase some 1/4 sisal cord. Wind the cord onto the2x4s which should be (3) 1m long. Put white glue down one side as you do this so the glue grabs the cord but doesnt show. Allow it to dry. Now if this is a new thing for your cats what you do is make a large pot of catnip tea. Take a brand new paintbrush or put the tea into a clean spritzer. Soak the dry scratching post with the tea and put the post where it will be found. If yours is a horizontal scratcher mount the post horizontally and away you go.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 01:56:59 +0000

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