I have been “checked out” mentally and emotionally for a month - TopicsExpress


I have been “checked out” mentally and emotionally for a month or so now. I have let myself become overwhelmed by current events (and a few personal issues), and I am just about ready to bust a gut, as the saying goes. Here is what is bugging me the most: whiny ass, can’t think for myself pussies who want to bend the entire population of our great nation to their will. 1. Black Friday: OMG, people, get over yourselves. Black Friday is needed by most retailers in this economy. It’s the day they go from being in the red, to actually breaking even or making a profit for their fiscal years. If you don’t like the crowds, don’t go out into them. If you think it’s corporate greed run amok, making the shoppers behave like animals, check your libtard meter: your leaning way too far to the left. Shoppers are making themselves behave like animals. The meme about giving thanks for what we have on one day, then being greedy consumers out getting more on the next, irritates the hell out of me. I always shop Black Friday for deals I can’t get at any other time of the year. (of course, my haunts are vastly different from most folks: I will stand in line, in the freezing pre-dawn hours, with other fabricaholics, and I will have a good time doing it.) It is whatever you choose to make it. As with anything, take what you will, and leave the rest alone. 2. Ferguson/Riots for the dead thug: Grrr…has anyone else noticed the professionally printed signs? The communist/socialist/anarchy party signs? The organization being followed in most of these cities? Or the fact that most of the “protestors” look a lot like Occupy Wallstreet idiots? Even in Ferguson, where you are seeing a lot of the urban local element, there seem to be just as many bused in agitators trying to make a bad situation worse. Who is pulling the strings? Who is financing this? And what is the end goal? And why now? It has nothing to do with the dead thug, folks. I’d bet my bottom dollar on that. 3. The election: do you really think anything will change? At first, I was hopeful, over the top happy with the results. Now? I’m not so sure. The more Bonehead and McCurdle speak, the more my hope fades. They need to get off the bus, and let the young mavericks take a shot at Obamalamadingdong and his minions. Maybe, just maybe, we’d see some real change. In the meantime, we “prep” on, locked and loaded. As I said, I’ve let this all get to me, weigh me down to the point of barely functioning. After a crappy family Thanksgiving, I gave myself a good shaking this morning. If you follow Glenn Beck, you know he’s on a jag about culture. Well, that’s what hit me this morning. Along with the word TOLERATE. As a culture, we have been tolerating all of the above, myself, included, for many different reasons. It’s easier, it’s not so bad letting this one thing happen, I don’t have time to deal with that now, there are bigger fish to fry, and so on and so forth. It is about the culture, and an overabundance of tolerance. We don’t want to offend, we don’t want to upset our neighbor, let’s all get along, or we don’t want to be accused of being bigoted. It’s time to take back our culture, and stop tolerating what is tearing this society down. I want the America of my youth back, I want my life before Obamalamadingdong back. So, I am going to stop tolerating bad behavior for the sake of getting along. I’m going to stop tolerating what goes against the Founding Fathers’ hopes and ideas. I’m going to stop tolerating my elected officials stance (I have Feinstein, Pelosi and Takano going to bat for me, not) and burn up their email & phone lines. And I’m going to stop tolerating the naysayers who want to rain on my parade. I know I’m preaching to the choir, but thanks for listening.-- Nanna
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 22:03:21 +0000

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