I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but - TopicsExpress


I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20 ESV) Has the practice of your faith seemed dry, repetitive and possibly ritualistic? Do you find yourself saying statements like “I need to go to church”, “I need to do my devotional” or “I have to go through Scripture today?” Over-emphasis on the “I” can lead us down a path that paints the Christian life as being something that we need to initiate and activate on our own. “We need to be self-starters in our walk with Christ” are what these statements are suggesting. In thinking this way it is easy to become frustrated, spiritually defunct, and isolated. Instead, a better way to view our spiritual life is that it needs to be activated. We can learn much from the mysterious participation of the Trinity. In participation, I mean that the members of the Trinity act as one with each other even though they are three different individuals they are one mind and one being (which we will never be able to grasp). Trinitarian doctrine is a core and essential part of our faith that often goes over looked especially in how it is we should go about living our lives in Christ. As the Trinity interacts and participates within itself in its many workings on behalf of humankind so does it also participate and interact with humankind directly. How so? -In the person of Jesus Christ we find a constitution of both God and human. Jesus is the member of the Trinity that introduces us to participation with the Godhead as a result of this constitution and His sacrifice on the cross. It is through Christ that we start to participate with God in discipleship , community, and mission (John 14:6). -Discipleship becomes an expression of our faith as we participate with Christ in self-sacrifice as we are crucified to our own desires and life plans living no longer for ourselves but for Christ whom we are now one with (Galatians 2:20). -Our unity with other believers in the community of the church is forged as a result of participating in union with Christ (Romans 12:4-5). -By participating with Christ we have a mission that goes beyond our own efforts and plans. We actually participate with Christ in evangelism, teaching, preaching, and other forms of ministry as opposed to initiating a ministry on our own efforts and energy (John 20:21). So, when the practice of your faith seems spiritually dry and prone to legalistic ritual, ask God how it is He wants you to participate with Him today. It is in participation with our triune God that we find wholeness in our spiritual lives and in our day to day existence. Ask yourself, are you participating with God or has your faith in Christ become a self-practiced ritual void of oneness with Christ.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 13:58:23 +0000

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