I have been doing a great deal of thinking about life in America - TopicsExpress


I have been doing a great deal of thinking about life in America over the past 6 years. The 4 years prior were not great either however, here are some FACTS. Gas was $1.87, unemployment was 4.8%, as well as overall daily living and expenses were more manageable. However, these past 6 years have been incredibly scary. Our government has fundamentally changed everything possible to damage America, weaken us across the globe economically and diplomatically.....small countries that used to fear us, now kill our diplomats wo/ repercussions. Scandals that would have impeached any President are now ignored in the media. Past Presidents called war mongerers by the Hollywood elite are kissing the ass of this President, who starts additional wars after chastising the past POTUS. I expect politicians to lie, cheat a little and steal a lot. However, this President lies all the time, cheats 100% of the time and steals way more than any prior one. He also does 1 other thing that no President has ever done, He hates on America every chance he gets.....tramples the Constitution like a piece of toilet paper he wipes his ass with. It is disgusting and he should be held accountable. I want all u intelligent on paper, yet uneducated ideological Liberals, who pretend that these scandals and terrible policies never happened to reach around ur waist, grab ur head out of ur ass & wake the hell up. Because this is bad. U probably were the same people pissing & moaning about gas prices when they were 1/2 what they are now & calling GW out for starting wars when this guys does not bring home the trips as promised, kills innocent people with drone strikes & now wants to start another war. Where is ur anger now....ur protests....ur march on DC....lol. Its comical.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 14:17:19 +0000

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