I have been doing a lot of research on food. Basically, I am now - TopicsExpress


I have been doing a lot of research on food. Basically, I am now finding that probably it doesnt matter too much what you eat. But at the same time it matters a lot. Its like a funny dichotomy. Its like you could do fasting for 1 month and get in great shape, or you could exercise for 3 months and get in great shape. So whats better? Its hard to say. Personally what I am finding is that if you use both hemispheres of your brain, both analytical as well as intuitive, you will probably naturally cycle your macronutrient ratios widely every single day. One day it might be 0% fat and the next day it might be 35% fat and the next day it might be 30% protein, and so on and so forth. Thats the problem with a diet. A diet is a dogma that sooner or later will become limiting because life has stressors that throw you off balance at some point or another. You might be eating a fat-free diet and then suddenly want to celebrate by eating pizza, and then what do you do? After all, the purpose of life is to enjoy life. I might go back to alternate day fasting (ADF) but this time it would be for the long-term, at least for a year. I gave up after 40 days because I didnt lose any weight. But now I realize that probably I was eating too much fat on the feasting days. Moreover I didnt have a backup plan in case I got too hungry on the fasting day, so it became like this big dogma that I had to keep up to. The truth is that you have to eat totally intuitively, so if you crave ice cream you eat ice cream, and if you dont want to eat, you just dont eat. Of course this kind of research isnt for the weak minded. Its easy to just eat 3 meals a day of the traditional food and blame your energy levels on something else. But I truly believe that some days you need to eat 4 times more and other days nothing. There should be no dogma at all when it comes to diet, because the whole thing builds up as repression. Also, unhealthy foods are sometimes very healthy, like sugar and cookies and things like that. I know it makes no logical sense, but everything balances out in the end. Yesterday, I ate way too much pasta simply because it was fat-free. I would have been much better off getting something from the restaurant and eating it and being satisfied even if it is lightly fried or something. Its like this. People will easily eat 30 bananas in a day thinking that unlimited fruit is healthy, but then they cant eat a dosa in an indian restaurant with coconut chutney because that has fat in it. Now, I do tend to believe that 30 bananas a day is much healthier than the dosa, but not all the time. And thats what makes me different from any other person because I dont hold to any fixed dogma that other people have as I am constantly experimenting and researching. Food is what powers our life. Even a person who has amputated limbs and is in a wheelchair gets his emotional satisfaction from food. Otherwise, theres no drive to even live. So thats why I think about food so much. Food is energy, but often when you eat food it saps your energy. And no one can explain why you feel more energetic if you do regular exercise. Obviously you are not obtaining any calories from exercise. So the exercise energizes you in a mysterious fashion, just like music. I believe that you should vary your calories every day instead of keeping them nearly the same every day. That way the body and mind dont get used to a fixed routine. Really there should be no such thing as breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You should just eat whenever you feel like it, or not eat at all. People worry too much about the processed ingredients in food, and I feel that you just have to be in balance, thats all. You shouldnt deny yourself of any food. If you want to eat only fruits thats great, but it shouldnt be because other food is bad. In fact, you would be better off eating fruits only for a month and then pizza every day for a week and then back to fruits again for a month. Variety is the spice of life.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 04:00:49 +0000

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