I have been doing some reading. Great book by Peter Levin called - TopicsExpress


I have been doing some reading. Great book by Peter Levin called Trauma through a Childs Eyes. He goes through each development stage, even prenatal and discusses how trauma affects the child in development and behaviour they will exhibit. Some behaviours I knew, others I did not but now seem so obvious. One behaviour is how children will enact the trauma through play and how they treat others. I got to thinking about my son. Daily he usually sets up a situation where he gets into trouble. It is as if he wants to be disciplined. When he is put on a time out he will end up beating me up in some fashion, hittling, kicking etc. Through talking with a friend and reading this book I am realising he is acting out what he saw. How he saw his father hit me. It would be trauma he would not know how to express due to his age. A definite A HA moment for me.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 19:57:20 +0000

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