I have been following Qadri since he first appeared on the scene - TopicsExpress


I have been following Qadri since he first appeared on the scene during hes sit-in in Islamabad in 2013 and I must say it does look like hes done hes homework. The government seems extremely worried and are throwing the kitchen sink at him only for it to bounce back. Hes resilience is incredible and hes research is unprecedented. He talks with authority and even the most senior anchors find it difficult to corner him. Instant answers to tricky questions seem to be taking their toll as these snappy jabs have silenced many of hes critics. I was not a supporter of Qadri and maybe Im still not ready to advocate hes stance but I cant help myself from being drawn to hes prolific and scholarly style of elaborating the replacement system he talks of. It is quiet obvious this is not a typical politician coming up with the same old rhetoric we are used to hearing. He seems to have a spark of brilliance and be in a league of hes own. The allegations that the government makes on him and hes organisation is nothing new. We have already heard most of this before but the important point is that we are yet to see some substance behind the allegations made. Qadri is confident in hes track record and today gave a sneaky, head rocking uppercut when he said he would be ready to assign all the of hes organisations property to the Nawaz government if they were able to establish a single pennys money laundering or corruption. This was followed by a thunderous right hook when he asked the Nawaz government to match the challenge by agreeing to give up the rive end palace if corruption charges were proven on them. The pace at which Pakistani politics is moving now makes it difficult to predict what will crawl out of the woodwork but one thing is for sure, whilst the government begins to show signs of tiredness, Qadris tank has just been refuelled.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 13:44:55 +0000

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