I have been following, with interest, reactions to our countys - TopicsExpress


I have been following, with interest, reactions to our countys (Canadas) response to the slaying of Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent and Cpl. Nathan Cirillo. In particular, before the world knew that Cpl. Nathan Cirillo was indeed the second of two of our fine Military personnel targeted while in uniform. Certain out-spoken celebrities and journalists voiced, that while one person is shot and killed here in Canada, the entire country stops in total shock to mourn, unlike in their country, where dozens are killed on any given Wednesday.The mental health of the shooter, in Cpl. Cirillos murder, was also questioned and the debate was on as to whether or not this was an act of terror. Here, in my opinion, is what perhaps has been misunderstood about Canadas response to these heinous acts of violence and terror; and what is misunderstood about being Canadian. For Canadians - I believe our freedom and rights are not seen as entitlements but as privileges given to all of us through a democracy many men and women have given their lives to defend. Many stand ready to defend our freedom, with their lives, even as you read these words. For Canadians - The very idea that our Military, the very essence of safety, security and defence of our freedom was targeted, is a direct attack to try to undermine our sense of well being and disrupt our peaceful way of life. For Canadians - We know that the shooter who targeted Cpl. Cirillo did so specifically because Cpl Cirillo was in uniform and because Cpl. Cirillo was standing on guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier not because the shooter was a deranged psychopath. He was coldblooded and calculating when he shot Cpl. Cirillo in the back. We know this because he did not make any attempt to fire at the many civilians who were on his path to Parliament Hill. For Canadians - The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is a revered symbol of and tribute to those men and women, beloved sons and daughters who sacrificed their lives protecting our freedom and although never forgotten, never made it home. Canadians get it. The intention to attack here is to send a very clear message to Canada and to the Canadian Military; an attempt to strike the greatest fear possible, as in maximum impact. For Canadians - The loss of one life (two in this case) to any form of terrorism is one too many. The value of human lives is sacred and to lose our brothers, especially to this type of action is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. We have not been terrorized. Sure we have been shaken up and shocked but as a Nation we stand united. If anything we are more resolved than ever to defy terrorist activities. For example - large public gatherings, our Military wearing their uniforms in public, our Prime Minister and members of Parliament who, two days before were barricaded behind locked doors with chairs and tables piled up, walking FREELY amongst the spontaneous crowds gathering in tribute and hundreds of kilometres of roads and bridges crowded to overflowing with flag bearing citizens, emergency responders, military and Veterans alike. For those journalists who minimized the act and maximized our reaction to it, I am truly sorry that your world is coloured that way. As for this Canadian I am very proud of Canadas response; one of calm, honour, dignity, respect, honesty and compassion in true Canadian style. youtu.be/hySwDUk3lnI
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 20:26:39 +0000

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