I have been given numbers by a few people asking me to list some - TopicsExpress


I have been given numbers by a few people asking me to list some things about me they may not know. So Ill just list a few things here and put this thing to bed: 1: I am a major Scrooge. But I insist that my Christmas tree be department-store beautiful. 2: Why am I a Scrooge? Same reason as so many others. The commercialism has bulldozed over the true meaning of this most sacred holiday. We spend money we dont have to buy people things they dont need. Wake up, people. 3: I laugh at people who think we need to say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas so no one is offended. Do those who would be offended by the utterance of a good ol Merry Christmas not realize that the word holiday is actually derived from the words HOLY DAY? And there isnt a holier day than the birth if our savior. So the jokes on you, you politically correct bozos. Merry Christmas to ya. 4: I do not like to look at things with a series of perfect holes, like a honeycomb or those toffee candies that produce those holes when bitten into. Gives me the creeps. 5: I laugh like crazy when someone falls down -- as long as its obvious theyre not hurt. Laugh till I cry. 6: I gained a whopping 50 lbs after cancer treatments and am extremely bothered by this. Steroids I still take seem to make me unsuccessful at losing, but I am happy to be alive, heavy or not! And if I could lose these extra pounds, Id get a Lifestyle Lift. 7: I will go to my grave with many, many confidences from others. Your secrets are safe with me and I will NEVER tell! 8: Larry and I are each others third marriage. Weve been married 16 years and have a blended family that includes four children (two each) and five grandchildren. If you combine the years of our respective marriages, weve been married about 70 years. My nickname for my husband is Buzzard. 9: I have a black cloud over my head. Follows me everywhere. My gray hair: I have earned each and every one of em. 10: I am a loner, quite reclusive. I love people, but am uncomfortable when they want to get too close personally. I have many acquaintances, but can count on one hand, my true, lifelong friends. You know who you are. 11: Ill ALWAYS give someone the first punch, but Ill guarantee you, Ill get the last one (and I am talking verbally -- ladies dont fight physically!) And there ya go.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 15:38:01 +0000

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