I have been harping on this for years, and were now in it so deep - TopicsExpress


I have been harping on this for years, and were now in it so deep that I doubt it can be reversed. Without comment on the CAUSE of the problem in Ferguson, MO, we have some serious problems. My first thought when watching the news coverage was GET THOSE COPS OUT OF THAT CAMO GEAR!!!. What in the HELL are they trying to prove? The function of camo is concealment. This entire militarization of our police forces sends the wrong message to ANYONE who is paying attention, to say nothing of the residents of Ferguson. Can we make our Protect and Serve people look anymore sinister? Armored cars? .50 cal machine guns? Whats next? The force deployed in Ferguson could overwhelm the military forces of most COUNTRIES!! What the hell is the message behind this ostentatious display of massive military firepower and the attendant overkill?? This is completely inappropriate, and I have serious doubts that these police have the training necessary to handle this kind of firepower. For instance, a .50 BMG round can go through several typical residential buildings and still have enough energy remaining to destroy vehicles and kill people. The police in Ferguson are almost certainly not trained to handle such a weapon safely in a densely populated urban environment. There IS no way to safely fire a weapon of that nature in a densely populated urban environment. Collateral damage would be extensive and extreme. We need to contact our elected representatives and tell them this cant continue. The federal and some state governments are constantly pushing a gun control agenda, then they come up with THIS?? P.S. This article contains a graph showing how dramatically violent crime has decreased in the U.S. over the past 20 years. The lesson isnt that this militarization has worked; it has NO impact on individual crime. What is does tell us is what John Lott told us in his excellent and well researched book, More Guns, Less Crime. Crime has dropped because 46 states now have Shall Issue concealed carry permit laws. L.E. now MUST issue Concealed Carry Permits when a law-abiding citizen applies for one, and the issuance shall be timely, relatively inexpensive and with a minimum of red-tape. THAT is why violent crime has dropped, no the presence of military equipment in our local police departments.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 02:11:47 +0000

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