I have been hearing how the left is trying to compare the roll out - TopicsExpress


I have been hearing how the left is trying to compare the roll out of Social Security and Obama Care. I have thought that was like comparing Apples to Apple IPhone!! The reason I say that is because the Social Security Act was signed into law in 1935 by FDR with the first payment going out in 1937 and regular payments not starting till 1940. (5 Years) Obama Care was signed into law in 2010 with signups not starting until October 2013 with a total of 6 people signing up. (3 Years) The reason I say these two cannot be compared is simply because of the technology that was available in 1935 as compared to 2013. In 1935 if you were lucky enough to have a phone in your home, more than likely it was a party line. Most of the communication was conducted by U.S. Mail. Yes in 1935 there was a plan to deliver mail by rocket (Rocket Mail, have you heard of the email service before?) but that did not pan out. In 1935 we finally got Trans-Pacific Mail and 1939 Trans Atlantic Mail. Mail Carriers walked 22 miles a day with 50lb bags a mail. But with all that, Social Security was rolled out in only 5 years. Now jump to 2013. According to the website Internet World Stats, there are over 2.4 billion people on the internet at any given time. According to a U.N. Study, more people have cell phones then have toilets with as of the end of 2012 there were 6.8 billion cell phone users in the world. And according to the Washington Post, there are more cell phones in use than the entire population of the United States. According to the website GIGAOM 15.9% of all households have both landline and cell phones. However according to the same website, landline owners are more likely to have health insurance!! So what am I trying to say here? In 1935 where the most common form of communication was the U.S. Postal Service, they were able to roll out Social Security faster than the Obama Administration has been able to roll out Obama Care in an age of 2.4 billion internet users and 6.8 billion cell phones!! So next time you hear some talking head trying to say it will take time to roll out Obama Care because it took 6 years to roll out Social Security, pull out the B.S. Card!!
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 20:01:46 +0000

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