I have been here thinking for about an hour now. Thinking about - TopicsExpress


I have been here thinking for about an hour now. Thinking about the people of this country. How blind and ignorant this country has become, does no one see what is going on. We are being led straight into the mouth of a tyrannical lion, like lambs we are ignorant and unsuspecting until its to late. We are getting ready for a civil war people. When it happens will you be prepared? will you be ready to defend the ones you love?... to die, for the ones you love? With all of these riots, rebellions,.. murders. how long do you think it will be before we are the targets being help in the crosshairs? Its a lot to think about on a real note. Look at the decline in the economy. Look at the education of the people. Look at the populations general interests. The american people are becoming weak worried about Americas next top model or which one of these underaged hos is going to be on teen mom. We as a people have become unmotivated. There are countless places hiring but no one can find a job. We live in what we thought to be the greatest country ever, but now we have teens of OUR GREAT COUNTRY trying to join foreign terror groups. WE ARE LOSING OUR WILL TO LIVE AND FIGHT. So you just keep worrying about the black girl your son has a crush on. Keep worrying about your neighbor being of mexican decent. Keep your eyes on the television soaking up all that is holding us back. Keep worrying about the wrong things. When is it time to come together for what we deserve. When is it time to come together for the better of everyone. When is it time to stop looking down at your fellow AMERICAN because they pray differently than you. The have different complextion than you. They dont like what you like. We need to come together now people, especially from my generation we are next yall, we are the next group of elders for this country. What lessons will you pass on? What kind of person will you shape and form to grow up in this world. Will you raise a doctor? A lawyer? Or are you going to keep they trend going? Are you raise a thief? A liar? A jailbird, to carve his name next to yours in the same cell you had? We need morals in this time, we need humanity. Well good humanity rather. However, TO ME, good humanity is helping each other no matter color nor race! #rant #imjustsaying
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 11:46:22 +0000

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