I have been in deep prayer. Deep prayer. I have been asking - TopicsExpress


I have been in deep prayer. Deep prayer. I have been asking God, Spirit, The All That Is, to please help me. Help me get to the end of the year. Help me to not feel so sad (De Profundis comes to mind). Help me to not be so tired. Im letting you in on the worst of it right now. Dont worry its not that bad...Im an extrovert (I have to verbalize all my emotions) So, as I am sitting there in my emotional stew of ugh, I suddenly hear, No justice! No peace! being loudly chanted outside on Telegraph Avenue. For a moment, my inner voice said, I know what this is about...its about Brown, Garner, all the horrible-ness that is going on (another reason I am depressed)...and the question came to mind, do I want to go down there? Should I just stay in my cubbyhole? Pajamas and all I ran down the stairs and out the front door, only to be met with hundreds of people marching right outside my apartment on down Telegraph Avenue. Again a question...Are you going to join Felicia? Or are you just going to watch? Arms folded I looked on at these beautiful people and went, Damn straight, Im goin for it. I ran upstairs, brushed my teeth, threw the tennis shoes on, and my (Janis) Joplin coat, brought the ID just in case of arrest and my phone. I figured I would have to catch up to them so I got in the car and parked a ways up and eventually caught up on Shattuck. I wish I could tell you the march/protest felt intentional all the way through. That it felt rooted and grounded in the nonviolence that I believe in and practice. That it stayed peaceful. I cant tell you that. But I will say this, that as I am typing at 2:11am in the morning the helicopters are still circling, and as of thirty minutes ago, the SWAT team was still gassing the area, and there were still some die hard protesters around. God gives you what you need. I needed to meet some new friends. People like A.J., Jerry, Natalia Carballo, Judith, who believed in taking action, not being silent, nor being complicit. I needed to see some old friends (with some newness too). People like Radhika Manchanda, Saige Wexler, and Kishori Drivas who came to my house to stay safe when the violence starting kicking on the Avenue. We sang and danced and talked of what we can do in and for this world. And when it got loud outside, when we heard screams and sounds that felt scary, we prayed some more. I needed to be reminded yall. I needed to be reminded that as down as I have been in the last few days-- the hope, the love, the peace is still there. Even in the midst of turbulent violence and crippling grief. It is about trying to find the balance amongst the despair and the hope, the joy and the grief, the love and the hate, the peace and the violence, chaos. So when people say what does it matter to hold a sign, or walk down a street, or even--dare I say--get a arrested, I say it does. It absolutely matters. I came out of the doldrums in seconds flat. Those people walkin inspired me beyond all get out. I just needed to be reminded. We all do some times. LET US KEEP UP THE MOMENTUM YALL! WE HAVE WORK TO DO! AND WE CAN DO THIS! WE WERE BORN TO! SO LET US EMANCIPATE OURSELVES FROM BASE LEVEL THINKING AND BEING AND RECOGNIZE OUR GREATNESS. IN TURN WE WILL STOP THIS MADNESS, THIS VIOLENCE, AND WAKE THE H__L UP! THE TIME IS NOW THIS IS THE REVOLUTION! I love you all and I thank God for you. the Rev
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 10:43:13 +0000

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