I have been intrigued enough by the video to want to share it. A - TopicsExpress


I have been intrigued enough by the video to want to share it. A warning though. This is NOT a politically correct video. But I do believe the person expressing it is expressing his own perspective honestly, disagreeable as it might be to some. It was a line he said Suddenly the Hindu genes in me woke up! which had me wondering. There are so many decisions we take intellectually and there are so many intellectual robes of subscription we wear. But isnt there deeper stories within all of us? Do some of these stories raise their head to overturn our presumptions? Both Iqbal and Jinnah were first generation muslims. Of them Iqbal pursued Islam with the fervour of a new lover. But then we all know that the fervour of new love transmutes to more mellow considerations and the contrasts also mellows. Yet, beyond this mellowing, the genes also carry their own story. Lineage has its play over generations. Anwar Shaikh, was born Haji Mohammad, into a devout Sunni Muslim family of Kashmiri Pandit ancestry in Gujrat, Punjab. His mother could recite a large part of the Quran from memory. During the violent days of the Partition of India in 1947 he, then filled with Muslim nationalist fervor, killed on one day two Sikhs, a father and his son. In his youth, Shaikh was a young ardent believer. He later killed another Sikh. But when he reached the age of 25, he had a change of heart and memories of his crime have haunted him ever since. He began doubting Islam and later became its ardent critic (thus what he says isnt charitable). Thereafter he immigrated to the United Kingdom, married a Welsh woman, and became a successful businessman. The importance of Shaikhs work was recognised by Tariq Ali who devoted a chapter of his book The Clash of Fundamentalisms to his views and the reaction they provoked. He converted to Hinduism and adopted the name Aniruddha Gyan Shikha. Shaikh was living in Cardiff, Wales, when a fatwa was issued against him from his homeland Pakistan in 1995, where at least fourteen clerics issued death sentences against him for renouncing and criticising Islam. He died in Wales on 25 November 2006.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 16:24:39 +0000

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