I have been invited byFran Belsky-Godgrat to do a positivity - TopicsExpress


I have been invited byFran Belsky-Godgrat to do a positivity challenge. For five days list/consider/meditate on three positive things in your life. Invite three people to join you each day. So sorry I am WAY BEHIND! But here goes Day 2 (out of order :) ). Day 2: 1. I am so thankful for the health of my Family, myself, and especially my Schmoo. As many of you know we had a scare with the bump on my precious Angels head. I went pretty quiet about it- for familys sake of hope and waiting for word. We had to do an ultra sound, have a consultation with a neurosurgeon, and have go under anesthesia and have an MRI- all for our sweet dolly who is so itty bitty. She was a real trooper, and much stronger than mommy. I am beyond thrilled to announce it is benign, and Baby Brooklyn has a common Hemangioma it appears and should go away naturally, or with an akin Blood pressure Medicine. Thank Heavens. I am also thankful that despite my severe Heart Condition I was able to give birth to this angel without a hitch. She is my light in the darkness, and I thank God for her health and well being!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 17:39:38 +0000

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