I have been involved in a discussion about what is God and my - TopicsExpress


I have been involved in a discussion about what is God and my guides several years ago gave me this tiny, small insight as to what the creator is like. The explanation is vastly insufficient and I ask humbly for patience for my own inadequacies. When we talk about higher connections and evolved spirits and guides the language we have is vastly insufficient literally there No words to describe even the marginally higher spheres above those of the Summerland. For example we talk here of colours but the variety, blends, and types of colours in spirit that we do not have here and are of such intensity and which can communicate, different passions and feelings of themselves that we again have no words to describe. Once we try to explain what God may be we are as Jack said at kindergarten stage. My guides once explained this to me. If you can imagine that your energy is like a drop of water, a molecule of water, that it has sense and feeling, that it has an awareness of you being you, that it can sense things around it. Then if you can see that there is the vastest ocean, that would stretch across millions of galaxies... and that you are immersed in that ocean... and that from shore to shore your awareness is such that any other molecule not only has that awareness but can share that with you, so you would know what the furthest, deepest molecule would be experiencing, even then you would not be able to understand how the creative energy connects us all and is omnipresent. But, to understand in these simple terms is, for now an explanation that has to suffice It does not matter what name we give it... Names do not mean much... God is a feeling we feel as humans we have to try to explain. In any sphere of spirit there is a Guardian - we can call them the person in charge. Imagine ours of seven and a half billion people... That person is available to you should you need them for particular reasons. That person knows you intimately, every thought, action, feeling, and experience you have had not just in this earth life but all the times you have been in spirit. It knows everything from this life, and every life you have had and ever will have.... This person also knows every other single soul of this sphere of seven and a half billion people in the same way. What knowledge they hold... Yet this person is Only a keeper, guardian and adviser of one sphere of which there are many millions... in billions of worlds and dimensions and so, in that sense quite low on the ladder of hierarchy. Above them are those who for want of a better phrase are guardians of solar systems and above them those of galaxies, and above them of star systems and of them regions of star systems, and above them those who rule particular dimensions, systems of dimensions, ad infinitum. There are counsels of beings who coordinate on every level... we cannot imagine the levels and what individual beings knowledge consists of let alone the worlds/spheres they occupy and their incomparable beauty .There are the realms of course where Angels exist angels have been or will be incarnate as humans they are a completely different species and our own inadequacy of language only enables us to describe them in the way we do. In our limited way we describe them as having wings, they do not but our only explanation at the time of how they were able to travel so fast was they have wings and if you believe, yourself that they have wings, then if you are aware of them, do have wings for you. So much was given in the only way we as lowly souls could accept the explanation. Be the light you are, always, Leo.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 12:44:00 +0000

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