I have been keenly aware of the state of people, their lot in - TopicsExpress


I have been keenly aware of the state of people, their lot in life, their disposition, to the point, they are transparent to me. Seeing on this level, it is what some might call, empathic, they dont need to confess to me who they are, what they are about, what misdeeds they have done, I just know, and I see how so many beat themselves up over their own perspective of inadequacies. I see the disposition of the elderly, all too often, dark, cold, hard, and in a sad state of being, but a hardened one, and know its due to a life of trying to find happiness in the material all of their lives, and now, to be found lacking in both. I see the young people that have so much ahead of them, but are in dismay due to their current situation, while others, so overly self absorbed, its a wonder when both, will every truly start to live. I see people that spend a great amount of time and detail towards deception, for the sakes of material gain, the many layers within, to the point, they are trapped in them, and even given complete freedom of, jump right back in on other schemes, just because this too, they are set in their ways. I see those that are supposed to be leaders, focused more along their external image, rather then internal, and I often wonder, why nobody is asking for substance from them, since they are indeed, supposed to be in leadership. I see others striving for some goal, and even if it means to sacrifice the well being of another in order to attain it, they consider themselves justified for some reason. I see trust given to whom it is not earned, and suspicion given to what is not proven to be corrupt. Our decisions we make in this life, do reflect our own well being. Regardless of what they are, the outcome should not form us, but we should strive to rise above present thinking, circumstance, and address ourselves, be true to ourselves, be honest, and be fair, to ourselves and to others. People tend not to want to get real on this level, but I digress, and go back to what I see, the inner core, and how I know how much its holding them back, how its making them feel less then what they really are, and how its so easy to get caught up into the affairs of this world, but to know there is better for them, and those that are around them. I tend to remain alone throughout most of this life, due to this, to seeing on this level, and having to understand, most cannot, some may get close some of the time by reading merely body language, but I can attest to say, its a spiritual thing, a discernment, or vision, that really defines things. I have had absolutely positive experiences with people that most of society would consider not worthy to remotely be near, or even out right afraid to, and I have had horrible experiences with those that are supposed to be emulating Jesus himself. Day job has me on a different schedule and mindset lately, Im slowly working into the schedule, some Espresso Outfitters time, so have time to ponder these things in my mind while I work during it. I have to also add into it the music practice time, also transposing now for the choir, on the trumpet, from keys. And am into a routine thats going to take some time to fully settle in and be most productive. At the same time, I have learned to live off of practically nothing, this new chapter has me living off of potentially a great deal, and I have no love of money what so ever, the detachment is still strongly in place, but I have goals that require it, such as setting up a new soup kitchen or homeless shelter, those take resources to do. Meanwhile, I may make a couple of statement purchases, I say statement towards making it very clear, if those that are of the world are so blind to see the truth of God, they at least see these material things to prove he does indeed provide, and does so abundantly. Most think along those matters, thinking the things or people are going to make them happy., Only God will make you happy, and never forget it. Not to say that friends and family are not helpful, but your love needs to be firmly rooted in God first, all others second. Pax Christi
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 02:51:16 +0000

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