I have been keenly following politics as it unfolds for quite - TopicsExpress


I have been keenly following politics as it unfolds for quite sometime and also going by the political history of this nation on matters political parties, i have come to believe political parties since independence are owned and managed by its masters ,i mean those who worked hard to form them. You and i know for a fact that forming a political party is not an easy task, its not something easy like jumping onto a dance floor and doing a jig without going by the tunes or the rhythmic gestures of the disk jokey and no questions raised.Believe me you, it isnt a simple task. Forming a political party needs a lot of soul searching,sober consultations and commitments.Running a party and mounting a solid political campaign is e very very hard task that requires not only good policy but also quality policy makers and not just joyriders, self centered,very compromised opportunistic individuals disguised in the woolen coat of democracy yet whatever they have up their sleeves is just but only the acquisition of power through backstreet means. In the eyes of many,they seems to be the generals,the commandos,the pilots and many other names they have been branded. The truth of the matter is, they are not what the masses loyal to their respective partys perceive them to be but wolves in sheeps skin.This reminds me of the words of WAMALA in his book THE BURDENS that you never know what lurks behind the skirts so just like wamala,i am passionately warning those who think their perceived generals can steer parties to whatever place or destiny they so imagine is completely wrong.Old broom sweeps better hence shouldnt be entirely discarded but again,that doesnt mean we shouldnt embrace new brooms as well. We have individuals that have invested heavily in their respective parties in terms of resources and wishing them away as simple as that is not human enough...the reason why MEN IN BLACK had to intervene and save the situation in the case of ODM. TNA is going through a lot of turmoil simply because of the same reasons as ODM, URP is fast disintegrating because of not only others wanting space and say in it but also of others who believe just like in ODM that they are URP and URP is them.Same apply across the political parties of the land. No one puts meat in his or her mouth and easily agrees to let others get the juicy chunk of meat off his or her mouth and if you think there is..then tell me one and i would tell you when Uhuru kenyatta will resign and hand over power to simion nyachae. Raila Odinga and his family should be left alone and in my opinion should not be the subject matter whenever something happens in ODM. ODM is not only a national party but also a national movement and where interests are massive,there must be maneuvers ,strategies and counter strategies by individuals within that party who also needs a piece of the cake so if a situation arises where the groups strategies are in collision with the other group,scenes such as what was witnessed at kasarani must be seen after which the groups within the party goes back to the drawing board and come up with a workable formulae.That is what we call INTERNAL PARTY DEMOCRACY WHICH OTHER PEOPLE WITHIN THE PARTY AND OUR POLITICAL ENEMIES THINK IS DICTATORSHIP.No we as ODM family are on course and come 2017,the STORM as Odinga candidly puts it in the US interview will shake the jubilee boat to its core as we calmly sail through to the house on the hill. Stay put our good people and be ready to rejoice. ODM is there to stay.Just my opinion.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 12:58:13 +0000

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