I have been keeping silence, my dear friends, because my country, - TopicsExpress


I have been keeping silence, my dear friends, because my country, Ukraine, is preparing for war. You ask me about the Referendum in Crimea... I would like to answer. This Referendum was organized contrary to all Ukrainian and European laws. Regarding the specific results, I would like to tell you the following: at the bottom of this photo of Stalin, there are written his words:never mind, how people voted, it matters, how their votes were counted. The results of the so-called Referendum were drawn long before the so-called Referendum in Crimea was organized by Putin. People who were drawing those results, were, as it seems, in a hurry, and thus, were lacking some accuracy in counting. Because, as Ukrainian and international specialists pointed out, it turned out that in Sebastopol 123% of population voted for Crimea to join the Russian Federation. As people joke, all cats, dogs, unborn babies and veterans of the 1-st and the 2-nd Crimean wars, voted as well. If to talk seriously, I would like to inform you that 15% of the Crimean population are Tatars, Ukrainians constitute 25% and the rest 60% are Russians. Tatars boycotted this Referendum, the absolute majority of Ukrainians also didnt want to live under Russian regime, even some of the Russians expressed their will to continue living in Ukraine... So, you can easily count yourselves... Turnout at the election sites in Crimea was in the best of cases not more than 55%, and not more than 36-38% could vote for Crimea to join Russia. Putin, though, wrote the numbers he needed to annex the Ukrainian territory. Now about emotions, which were overflowing over the edge on all Russian TV channels... The history of Crimea didnt start in the 18-th c., where Putin and all Russians want it to start. I started long before. With ancient Greek civilization actually. But in the 18-th c., the Russian Empire with Catherine the Great as a ruler at that time, annexed Crimea from Ottoman Empire. There were some conditions of this annexation - one of which was that Crimea does not have the right to ever become independent state. Indigenous population of Crimea were always Tatars. In 1934 they were deported by Stalin to a deserted area of Russia, where the Tatar autonomous republic was formed. Russians were brought to Crimea. When Khrushchev, within the frames of the USSR, moved Crimea into Ukraine, he didnt do it for nothing. Geographically Crimea is not connected to Russia, but it is connected to Ukraine. It was much more logical to supply Crimea with water and electricity from Ukraine, than Russia. When Crimea was joined to Ukraine, it didnt have water, electrical supply, roads or infrastructure. Now it has it all. So all these Russians, who replaced Tatars in the 30-s of the last century, were working in the sphere of tourism or were serving on the vessels of the Black Sea naval fleet. Now even their children are pensioners. They miss the Soviet Union, they miss their youth, they could not realize themselves in the world of free economy, they are terribly afraid of abroad and foreigners, they are even afraid of people from the mainland Ukraine. The last dream of all these soviet pensioners is some strong hand that can protect them. From last November to February, Ukrainian channels were transmitting how young and brave guys in Kiev were fighting over the barricades against corrupted regime... How they were dying for a better future. Crimean pensioners couldnt understand how it is possible that one could revolt against the tyranny, got scared to death, and started dreaming about some strong hand. They have probably heard that Stalin had died, so they wanted to find another dictator to protect them from life... They were whispering the name of Putin and were crying from happiness... And I was thinking that to get rid of the USSR gene, not one, but several generations have to change. Ekaterina Graff.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 22:28:12 +0000

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