I have been listening to the radio and television this week as - TopicsExpress


I have been listening to the radio and television this week as analyst try to understand the collapse of the Democratic party this midterm and the reasons are many and the blame is to be shared by not only the party but with Obama himself. Our President is great at governing but when he isnt campaigning he never found people to be his voice and to tout all the good things his administration has done. Clinton had James Carville and himself to connect with the public. Yet Obama spent more time working than taking time out to effectively let those less informed know what hes been doing. The media stood by and allowed false attacks go unchecked as a means of claiming they were unbiased. Instead of reporting the news and investigating reports, they simply held a microphone while those on both sides made their case and those with the most money had the loudest voices and the most air time. Obama found himself not only fighting the Republicans who basically ran against him once more, but also against members of his own party who were to afraid to stand with Obama on a record any president would be proud of. It would appear that Democrats were more worried about winning over their opposition than standing with the people who elected them in office. Turn out was low for Democrats because they took their electorate for granted while trying to win over people who had one goal in mind, to defeat the president. The Dems abandoned Obama and those most loyal to him stayed home. A lesson I hope will not soon be forgotten. When people see no one on the ballot that they think represents their interest, they arent motivated to participate.The one Senate candidate that asked Obama to campaign with him won. In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 00:05:00 +0000

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