I have been meaning to read the Giles & Page, Article: Testing - TopicsExpress


I have been meaning to read the Giles & Page, Article: Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens and the Princeton University Study on Affluence and Influence: Economic Inequality and Political Power in America since about May of this year. I finally finished it this weekend. Both were a compelling read that coincides with my point of view and my advocacy for campaign finance reform and support of Lawrence Lessigs ideas. Remember the 90s? Back then republicans did not control both chambers and were not in total control of the House? That was when Newt Gingrich and his republican party told us that campaign finance reform was their number one goal. Then they got elected in part because of that promise to America. Upon entering office and the party assuming control they failed to move one inch on the issue and things have gotten worse for Americans with Citizens United and other rulings from SCOTUS. Lets be clear at one point they controlled both the House and Senate as well as the Executive branch and could have done anything they wanted with campaign finace reform. What they did was allow the rich and large corporations to hijack the economy and political power from the people. Billionaires routinely manipulate the election by using money to market republican candidates that will do their bidding to Evangelicals and Christians. These people get to Congress and stop any progress to help the middle class or change the election rules. This link helps explain the finding in the research and why Americans are no longer living in a democratic republic any longer, and why you need to become involved to speak out and change our world. This starts with having a say in how your government acts, how we will deal with corporate and rich people controlling who we can elect and how we can have a say in how things operate in this country again. I have attached links to an interview about the research and the research paper itself. Please read the interview and if you can the actual research and learn why we the people have lost influence. talkingpointsmemo/dc/princeton-scholar-demise-of-democracy-america-tpm-interview princeton.edu/~mgilens/Gilens%20homepage%20materials/Gilens%20and%20Page/Gilens%20and%20Page%202014-Testing%20Theories%203-7-14.pdf scholar.princeton.edu/mgilens/pages/research
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 00:28:07 +0000

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