I have been nominated by Ashley Fuller to post what I am happy - TopicsExpress


I have been nominated by Ashley Fuller to post what I am happy about for three days and to nominate three others to do the same each day. Day 2: tomorrow l head off on an adventure...my HEALING PILGRIMAGE....driving across country for the first time ever! Im going to see my Mum and StepDad who lve not seen in a long while. The trip is sudden, unexpected and in response to powerful inner guidance. Living in the now. Being seriously ill often is accompanied by total loss of spontaneity...also loss of adventure through deminished capacities...pain, exhaustion and lost confidence. So my Healing Pilgrimage is a big deal for me on a multitude of levels. About 25 years ago, late at night...it was winter...dark and cold....l drove off the ferry having left my relationship and life in Brussels to move to the UK. On reflection l was wholey unprepared...ld simply packed my car and left. Driving on the-other-side-of-the-road and on roads ld never been on...nowhere was familiar to me....l missed the turning off the motorway to the town l was headed. I drove miles (+-60) passed where l was heading. I had no map. Money. It was late and l had no-one to call. I reached a tollroad which l couldnt pay for. There was noway of turning around. Terrified because l knew my total lack of orientation and familiarity meant l was a danger to myself and others and l knew it. I didnt know what to do...felt lost and frightened. Eventually l found my way to where l was going and was fortunately unhurt. The experience left me frozen and blocked by fear though....until two days ago day l wouldnt drive south of my hometown towards London...where roads are busy and lve no idea where l am. Driving north of here is no issue and lve done often. Crazy huh! Ive been working with NEUROPLASTICITY to create new neural pathways, visions, feelings and thoughts to set me up to create what l love and desire...not what l fear and resist. Big thanks to Pamela Holbrook for her knowledge, experties and support and Colin Smith for his invaluable support too. So tomorrows ADVENTURE journey l am preparing for in every way l can, checked car, borrowed SatNAV (GPS), organising great audios, have healthy easy food for nourishment as l go. Will stop as l need...to shake out physical tensions...the fibromyalgia can quickly be triggered by driving, will meditate too (NOT WHILST DRIVING!) and a friend has offered to meet me en route...making it more fun. Perfectly ok that the trip could take all day...am heading off after rush hour traffic...down south towards London...then will turn off and drive across the country. And for this...lm very excited and HAPPY! Taking my power back :-)
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 07:07:08 +0000

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