I have been promoting this theory on YouTube since 2008. Here is a - TopicsExpress


I have been promoting this theory on YouTube since 2008. Here is a sample of questions that people have asked. I have found this feedback very helpful! Question: Im still very interested in your theory, for there is something beautiful about it, and there may, indeed, be something to it, but I dont think it tells us a lot about the question of free will, per se. Another example comes to mind at the level of a billiard ball that has been struck, for example. Your theory may show us something about the forward chain of events, but what does it tell us about the free will of the billiard ball? Answer: The movement of billiard balls can be based on classical physics. This is an approximation of quantum physics. The process explained in this theory is universal a billiard ball will have its own ref-frame relative to its energy or momentum. The rate that time flows within this ref-frame will be relative to this energy. A game of billiards is always played over a period of time! When billiard balls strike each other, the charged fields of the two balls repel each other if it was not for their electrical charge they could pass right through each other. The carrier of the electromagnetic force that forms movement of charge is the photon. Therefore we can see time unfolds photon by photon even for billiard balls. Question: Nick, I really enjoyed this video. I as well stand for the idea of [constant creation], but I have some problems with the acceptance of the ideas of [free will]. I agree that we are all participants within the constant creation, but I think it is more of a [choices from the pallet] provided by the paradigm, or choices made by us, as opposed to the will to create. In other words, our [free will], is not allowed to operate outside of the know paradigm. Answers: Yes we choose are actions from the centre of our own reference frame this is relative to the possibilities and opportunities that are possible from that position in space and time. As you say “this is not allowed to operate outside of the know paradigm” In this theory the ‘paradigm’ are the laws of physics. Question: I dont see how this theory that photons set time could ever work. At most points photons are flowing in all directions yet time does not reverse or move chaotically simply because light is scattered. Further, lasers are coherent light and therefor should set time based on the direction they are sent. I would be able to reverse time simply by turning the laser around Answers: Everything radiates light continuously because we cannot achieve absolute zero. In this theory the outward momentum of light from each object or life form forms the arrow of time for that object or life form (ref-frame). Time as a process of continuous change is formed by a laser the momentum only ever goes one way. This is an interactive process therefore we can create lasers, electricity and computers because the photon is also the carrier of the EM force forming electrical potential as the future unfolds! Question What is your certificate? Your videos couple confusion (blurred usage of terms) and self-cult. This channel is a hoax. Answer As an artist I have no certification, but I find it odd that you should use the word self-cult when I use no photos of myself and very little reference to myself. As for confusion (blurred usage of terms) this theory is based on two simple postulates, 1) The first is that the quantum wave particle function explained by Schrödingers wave equation represents the forward passage of time or arrow of time itself photon by photon, quanta by quanta or moment by moment. 2) The second is that Heisenbergs Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π that is formed by the wave function is the same uncertainty that we have with any future event.I dont see how I can be less blurred nick ~ Question 1 I believe you are mistaken, you cannot find the position and momentum retroactively. Answer From what I have read the w-function only works one way in time you can always calculate backwards and find out the position and momentum in the past. This makes sense because we need a starting point for the w-function. There may be some probability at that point because time is continuous, but this uncertainty can only increase as the time period increases (the arrow of time). Question 2 Where have you read that? It sounds to me like a violation of the uncertainty principle. Answer The book is called ‘In search of Schrodinger’s Cat’ by John Gribbin, page 159. It says ‘it is quite within the rules of quantum mechanics to set up an experiment from which it is possible to calculate backward and work out exactly what the position and momentum of an electron, say, was at some time in the past.’ Question 3 Interesting, from stanford.edu: Indeed, Heisenberg says: the uncertainty relation does not hold for the past. thanks, Ill have to read up on this. Answer Both Schrodinger and also Einstein believed that quantum mechanics is not a complete theory and that there is something missing. In these videos that ‘something’ is an understanding of the flow of time itself formed by Schrodinger wave function and that Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle is the same uncertainty that we have with any future event. ~ Question Do you mind explaining what time is? If you dont know already, no what quite knows? Look up the definition and you will see its logical circular. What Im saying is... you cant really use terms that have no meaning. That being said, nothing you stated contradicts what I said. I really dont see the point you are trying to make with your reply. If youd like to refute my statement please make it more obvious what youre saying. Answer Matter (you and me) is a fine mixture of + and - charges that keeps forming and cancelling out in continuous flux continuous creation! This is formed by the inward absorption and outward emission of light (the quantum wave particle function) that we see and feel in our everyday life as the flow of time. Therefore Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle is the same uncertainty the observer will have with any future event. ~ Question if time is linear as they say how can time go at different rates closer or farther from a large magnetic body(planet or black hole) as they found out that time in our upper atmosphere(earth orbit) is offset by a couple of seconds or minutes don’t remember. They only found it out cause gps satellites where giving wrong coordinates after a certain time. Answer In this theory time is only linear for each individual object or observer because objects create their own spacetime geometry (the rate that time flows) relative to their energy or mass. They will have a time line or history that will be linear and unique to that object or observer own position and momentum. Therefore time is a variable the greater the energy or mass of an object the slower time runs around that object forming the curvature of spacetime. This is a universal and continuous process of change or creation when an object moves the curvature of spacetime also moves forming the objects own time line (linear) in that direction. ~ Question 1 I am not sure that light fits as nicely as you would like it to in your geometric model; that it, we know that light takes all possible paths, as represented by Feynman diagrams. Another point is that while it is true that the underpinnings of the brain are quantum mechanical, we are not certain there would be a large scale effect of this, because of decoherence. So I would be skeptical to adopt this view of consciousness. But nice movie, as always! Answer Light does not fit nicely into this geometric model because the symmetry is broken forming the broken symmetry of nature and life. But to have a process of symmetry breaking we have to have a geometric model of symmetry forming. I agree it would not be a large scale effect, but if we can see this effect with just two slits and some light than I feel evolution would have used this process and that consciousness represents the most advanced part of this universal process. Question 2 I will agree with you that at some point, the quantum nature of light was a big guiding force for evolution, in general. Answer What I find very interesting is that we have the quantum nature or wave-particle duality not just of light but also of electron and therefore matter. We seem to have in w-particle duality a process of continuous change or creation forming random processes that our always based on the same geometry of symmetry forming and breaking. Forming a blank canvas for evolution to take place! ~ Question Would you agree with the astronomer Fred Hoyle who claimed the universe to be a put-up job (inferring a higher cosmic consciousness at work behind the scenes) due to the incredible organization within nature that we all enjoy on a day-to-day basis? Answer Yes I would agree with Fred Hoyle that the Universe is a put-up job. But this does not mean that we can’t explain how it was put together. This video explains a process of symmetry forming and breaking that predates the evolution of life giving it a geometrical therefore mathematical base. ~ Question I think of time as being quantified by the Second Law of Thermodynamics or entropy, and the conservation of energy. That emission of the Electromagnetic Spectrum of Light is a byproduct of this conservation process. Answer Entropy is not universal a small child does not get more disordered over a period of time. In this theory entropy is a byproduct of the emission and absorption of light or EMR that we see and feel as flow or passage of time. ~ Question Thanks for the message, Nick. Im especially interested in applications of Fibonacci arithmetic. Do you use it specifically in your work? Answer Yes Fibonacci arithmetic is part of this theory! In this theory it is formed by a process of spherical symmetry forming and breaking at the quantum level. This spherical geometry can be seen as 4π in the equations of quantum mechanics ∆×∆p×≥h/4π. When this symmetry is broken it forms a spiral and we see the Fibonacci ratio in nature not because of economy of growth but because it represents the dynamic geometry of spacetime. ~ Question Why do you think the energy levels of atoms follow the golden ratio? Answer Emission is the process by which a higher energy quantum mechanical state of a particle becomes converted to a lower one through a photon resulting in the production of light. Since energy must be conserved, the energy difference between the two states equals the energy carried off by the photon. The energy levels are in proportion to the difference to the two previous levels this is the same as the Fibonacci sequence where each number is made up of the two previous numbers therefore the ratio of change is the same as the golden ratio. ~ Question 1 Im not sure if I get this completely. Are you basically saying that quantum entanglement occurs because the information of the polarization is embedded within the quantum wave function communicated through light it emits? Answer Yes entanglement is a property of waves if you drop a pebble into a pond the ripples will expand out from their centre. They will have the same up or down movement as they expand out at the same moment in time, they are entangled or synchronized. But in this theory light or EMR also forms their own spacetime geometry that we see and feel as the flow of time itself! Question 2 Ah, yes, I understand. Just one question: Quantum entanglement shows that by turning one quantum entangled electron, for example, the other will instantaneously turn the opposite way. Seeing as information cannot propagate faster than light, how does this communication occur with respect to your theory? Answer In this theory each photon electron coupling is a new moment in time. The wave function expands out forming the geometry of spacetime. No information is transferred by the waves only energy therefore the future is always uncertain and is represented by Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle ~ Question If EMR moves in the shape of an expanding sphere and represents a set of infinity how is it possible for photons to be directed from the source, as in the case of a laser? Answer I do not know a lot about lasers, but in this theory we can manipulate light and the principles of quantum physics to form modern electronics like computers and laser. In this theory it is only logical that we can do this because we reacting with the wave-particle duality of light forming our own future spacetime ~ Question Is it that light itself, and its emissions are the fundamental building blocks of creation itself. For me however, I am deeply troubled, about the true nature of life itself. I might be heading into a different direction here, but I would like to ask you; about our life in general, do you sometimes wonder where our consciousness stems from? That we are able to make such appealing claims and then reflect? I often question myself where does this state of conscious awareness comes from. Answer In this theory the inward absorption and outward emission of light or EMR forms the fundamental building blocks of what we see and feel in our everyday life as the flow or passage of time. This is a universal process that even forms electrical activity within the human brain. So our thought processes can be seen as the most advanced part of a universal process. Consciousness is always in the moment of now forming its own spacetime within its own reference frame ~ Question This fits my philosophical/spiritual view of existence like a glove. When you say free will, do you mean as opposed to some divine plan? Answer No not really by “free will” I mean the freedom of choice we have in everyday life to create our own future. We have this choice because we can choose when and where to collapse the wave function into photon and electron particles. This is not a spiritual view it is scientifically based on the physics of some of the greatest scientist in history although I am a spiritual person myself. ~ Question If you are right what would this say about reality and what would it have to say about atheism, theism and spiritual ideas? Answer If this theory is right the Universe is in a continuous process of change or creation this is in the form of symmetry forming and breaking. I would like to think that a complete understanding of this (we are a long way from that) would bring spirituality and physical reality based on science together as one. The symmetry forms spontaneously so the atheist should be happy also! ~ Question Nick: I think you are being academic about music. Vibrational nexii may form MARKERS of time (like any perceptional or physical event REGISTERED sequence, but to us musicians they are NOT now, due to the gestural intent (even with computer keys), than deviate forward in rhythmatic or melodic direction. Here the PUSH is forward, as LISTENER the reception is history, so the now event tends to be a fresh SURPRISE. Answer Our perceptions our formed by chemical changes that are formed by electrical impulses (photons). Therefore in this theory a musician will always be in the moment of now Because each photon represents a new moment in time within its own reference frame. Each reference frame has its own proper time (the rate that time flows) relative to its energy or mass. This is a universal process for everything and everyone. Every listener has their own reference frame or spacetime with a past, present and future. We have music unfolding according to the laws of cause and effect as a wave structure over a period of time. There will always be a potential for a fresh surprise as time unfolds because of Heisenbergs Uncertainty Principle. ~ Question It’s because there is quanta, once the fundamental limit is reached no longer is the distanced being halved, its becomes the distance of the Planck length Answer In this theory the Planck Constant is a constant of action and is continuously coming into existence photon by photon or moment by moment. This is part of a continuous process of change or creation therefore we have a true infinity that can continuously be halved or divided over a period of time. A mathematician will be able to divide any number into infinitely smaller parts because of this process. ~ I am trying to promote this theory but as an artist I am outside of the scientific community therefore any help promoting this theory in the scientific community will be gratefully welcomed, please subscribe on YouTube! https://youtube/user/nickharvey7
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 18:10:26 +0000

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