I have been quietly watching all the controversy surrounding Sen. - TopicsExpress


I have been quietly watching all the controversy surrounding Sen. Ryans comments over the past week but Im surprised that no one is asking the most obvious question.... How the f#** does he know what is happening in the inner-city(black community)? There is no doubt what he meant is black community. He knows from his experience living there. No. Oh, he knows because he has gone there and seen it for himself. No. He knows because he got some report that cites skewed studies commissioned by groups with political motives. Yes. (Cue up the sarcasm) No, I dont find that there are credibility issues here. I lived for 17 years in a black community in Gainesville, Florida and never once did someone like Sen. Paul come to my house or my neighbors or my friends houses either. If they did, they would have learned that most black people (woman and men) work everyday and that is still true now. We struggle, work, and earn like any other group in this country. Im not saying that there are not any issues in my community but to vilify an entire race by insinuating that the men embrace a culture of laziness is beyond ignorant. Then to try to use racist propaganda dresses up as legitimate studies to justify this evil-well there are no words for that.. I know he never says black because he cant be so blatant but what picture is he trying to draw to make his point about government aid programs? He says this comments were not about race. Really? Inner-city-not racial? Okay. Next time, do not try to back up your argument by citing studies done by a man who thinks minorities, in particular, people of African descent are subhuman. If you ever read this mans (I will not repeat his name) work, it reads more like Hitler making his case. Yes, I have read Hitler work and this guy sounds very similar. Hitler was very subtle and benign in the beginning-was he not? One thing I found curious during the former VP candidates backtracking tour this week is when he talked about poverty in rural areas. The issues there are jobs and opportunity, but in the inner city it is a lack of a work ethic issue. Interesting. I know Sen. Paul claims this was an inarticulate moment-we all have those-although he sounded pretty articulate to me. Especially, since he said it over and over again. Maybe he should speak about things he clearly has no insight. Please STOP believing everything that the Fox News Channel or your politicians tell you about the poor and/or (please note and/or) the black community...oops I mean the inner city. They dont have a clue and most of what they do say is skewed BS. Usually, I dont speak about politics and I am not affiliated with any political party, but I could not let this ignorant crap slide. This was personal. He was talking about good men, too, who I know live in the inner city that work hard to provide for their families. No, Sen. Paul will not get a pass for being inarticulate because I believe he meant what he said. He is trying to make sure he keep those with extreme and dangerous views happy. It shows how much work the Republicans have to do if they are serious about being more inclusive. The first thing on their agenda should be letting go of all the MTYHS and STEREOTYPES they have about the black community...oops again I mean inner city. Off my soap box.....
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 01:24:40 +0000

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