I have been scheduling more late night activities and much more - TopicsExpress


I have been scheduling more late night activities and much more live music this cruise and it has been a great success with each bar and lounge very busy. I also have seen the bar manager walking around the ship with a huge smile on his face which is of course a good sign. But tonight, for the first time this cruise the ship is quieter than it has been. Most of the guests were up from 6:30am when we arrived at Glacier Bay and spending many hours in the fresh air has I think taken its toll. There are two things that I have seen tonight that show me that this is the case. Lido was very busy at dinner time with lots of guests opting for a quick dinner rather than the full dinning room service. And as I walked back from lido aft, down one flight of stairs (yes I took the stairs) and then all the way forward on the starboard side of deck 8 to my cabin...............I counted 22 Snoozin signs ( yes I counted ) and that was at 9:10pm. Yep, the fresh air, an early start and another early start in Ketchikan tomorrow has taken its toll. The shows were still well attended and Singing With The Big Band really appealed to the older crowd for sure and both performances received a standing ovation. I had been nervous about the later show time of 10:15pm as some had told me it would not work, but it has.......so far at least. Oh and can I say again how bloody marvelous it is to see the 10 piece big band on stage. Tomorrow..............its the Beatles show, Ticket to Ride . So earlier this evening I made an announcement to all the guests that due to strong current against us and the ship only having a maximum speed that has already been well documented, we will not be able to make the 4 hour stop at Victoria, Canada on Monday evening. We would under these conditions not arrive until 10:30pm and with a midnight departure a 1hour stop is noy feasible of course. Here is part of the letter that was sent to guests; We are sorry to say that due to the limited speed of the vessel and strong currents that we are encountering, we are forced to cancel our four hour call into Victoria on Monday. However, we will need to anchor for a short time while we await clearance from local officials. Please note guests will not be allowed to disembark during this time. So I made the announcement and then informed the guests that we would instead give extra time ashore in Ketchikan tomorrow plus of course the port charges for Victoria will be credited to everyones account. After the announcement I walked the ship and spoke with many guests and nobody seemed the least bit bothered by this and most of the questions I was asked were on another subject. We did have one group from China who had purchased Canadian visas to be able to go ashore and they of course were disappointed and we are working with the beards regarding their concern. There maybe a similar situation next week, we shall have to see what the Captain advises and I will keep the guests informed of course and you too. All the other cruises after the 13th will be as advertised as most have already been changed and guests have been advised. Yep, its been a great week so far and tomorrow in Ketchikan it is supposed to be a sunny day, lets hope so. I leave you tonight....................with this; From: MIRACLE GUEST SERVICES SUPERVISOR Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2014 6:03 PM To: MIRACLE CRUISE DIRECTOR Cc: MIRACLE GUEST SERVICES MANAGER; MIRACLE ENTERTAINMENT TECHNICAL MANAGER Subject: Basketball comment - **** Mr______ and cabin **** Mr _______- Importance: High Good afternoon John I had two guests come to the GSD this afternoon very upset as the basketball game from the Portland team and the Texas team was not being shown. I called the entertainment tech and he told me that TV coverage is limited while in this area of Alaska. I did explain this to Mr ______ and Mr ______ but both were very angry and one started to shout loudly at me. He told me he would be looking for you on the ship tonight so I should I think let you know. Thank you and kind regards Guest Services Supervisor Carnival Miracle Time to put my pyjamas on and lock the door! cheers
Posted on: Sun, 11 May 2014 07:27:54 +0000

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