I have been seeing a lot of anger lately. I see it in the news, - TopicsExpress


I have been seeing a lot of anger lately. I see it in the news, on FB, waiting in lines and out on the roads while driving. I am guilty of it myself at times. But, I seldom hold onto my anger. I have noticed that when anger reigns, it turns to hate. When you see and feel others anger it is not difficult to get caught up in the cause. Think of all of the rhetoric around Obamacare. Some are grateful, many are not happy. This one topic is difficult to discuss calmly for very long before someone feels the need to escalate a conversation and a division occurs with either someone stuffing their emotions and anger building or, arguments ensuing and hatred building. FB often will have topics posted where sides are taken and nastiness ensues because one or several are angered about an opinion and feel the need to force their agenda while others feel the need to argue against it. You wait in line at a store, they dont have enough help, items are not priced. You need to wait while someone checks a price. The customer takes their time counting out change, putting their wallet away etc. Weve all been there. Eventually someone gets frustrated, then angry, or they walk out of a store with pent up anger and frustration and yes, sometimes hatred. Anger is a perfectly natural emotion and there is nothing wrong with it unless you cannot let it flow. Think of anger like a river. When the water flows it is clean and clear and full of oxygen. But, when a river stops flowing (when the anger stays in you) the water becomes stagnant, unhealthy and disease ridden. That is what anger and hatred do to our soul if we dont learn to let it flow. Our physical, spiritual, and emotional health become stagnant and diseased. Learn to rate your anger and decide if action is needed or even possible. If so, then act respectfully even if you know you will not necessarily be received with respect. If your anger is nothing more than a reaction to an event like traffic issues that you have no control over, teach yourself to recognize it. Ask yourself if the anger is worth the impact on your well being. Go forward with peace in you heart. -J-
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 02:11:30 +0000

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