I have been setting here waiting for the Radiologist to call. I - TopicsExpress


I have been setting here waiting for the Radiologist to call. I hate waiting for someone else. I am a rush in there and get it done kind of person. Or at least I always have been, now it is a little harder. I was thinking of a young woman who I met at the MRI Dept. the other day. She was on her 8th MRI, and this next one will be her 8th surgery. She said it was in the spine and had moved up now into her neck, and if it came back , well you know the outcome. She said if it was not for her Mother and Brother she would not even bother with any more surgeries, she didnt feel she mattered much in the long run. I told her I didnt feel that way. Everyone matters in this world. Just think, if tomorrow your trash man doesnt come, and he doesnt come the week after or after that. What would happen to you? Your home and yard would be a mess with garbage. If you went to the supermarket or store and no one was there to put up stock, wouldnt you miss them? How about your hair dresser, teacher, nurse, doctor or well anyone. Even that man or lady who runs around the stores taking in carts. How about that person who holds a door when you are handicapped, old or maybe have a crying child in your arms. Dont they matter to you. I know in my life, it sure matters to me. That kind person who lets you go before them in line because they recognize you are in a hurry to get to work or someplace and just stopped in to grab lunch. People like Joe Snyder, who keeps the IOOF cemetery mowed, or helps the VFW help Veterans. That does matter to me, and should to you. Each person matters. Not only for those wonderful big things they do, but for the little ones too. While I sometimes set and whine about why me, and I try my very best NOT to do that. I think that I do matter to someone. Maybe not today, but a day in the future i will do something that will make someone elses day brighter if only to smile and say hello. So what I am saying is go out there and do something and make yourself matter, dont just set on the sidelines, and give up. Tomorrow is another day, and after our fight here is over, we have something better to look forward to.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 16:04:02 +0000

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