I have been sitting here looking at the scheduling and waiting - TopicsExpress


I have been sitting here looking at the scheduling and waiting list on people coming in and needing lodging. My heart really breaks because I know the personal details of so many guest. I want to help so many. I have a 30 yr. old young man coming in for 6 wks with brain cancer next wk from Arkansas. He will be here Thanksgiving and Christmas. I also have another young woman wanting to come in next wk for 6 wks with stage 3 ovarian cancer, she would be here Thanksgiving and Christmas. Then I have some previous guest Mike & Becky Bender coming in from Indiana, they keep coming every 2 months hoping something will start killing the cancer within him. I have John & Mary, as soon as we get his van out of the shop today they will be going into MDA for treatment for a wk then they want to come back out here but we are not going to have a place for them. This is the husband and wife who have been living in their van. This breaks my heart, I have been juggling back and forth from my waiting list. I just cant help but pray the prayer of Jabez again, Oh that you would bless me indeed and enlarge my territory. That your hand would be with me and that you would keep me from evil that I may not cause pain. So God granted him what he requested....... In my mind I still want and see another location closer in that looks like a nursing home. We could house so many that way.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 16:40:35 +0000

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