I have been so impressed with the amazing courage shown by - TopicsExpress


I have been so impressed with the amazing courage shown by citizens of Hong Kong, as part of the pro-democracy movement against their government, who have, every year, been moving them further away from a free and democratic country. They have been cracking down on human rights and freedoms over the last few years, with many changes to the law and to their education system, including changes to historical information taught in classrooms, they have even proposed changing their languages taught at school from the national language of Cantonese to Mandarin. The systematic and somewhat familiar approach taken by Chinese politicians has been unsubtle and corrupt. They done similar things in Tibet, once the country was handed over to them by America in exchange for a Free Trade deal, and they have been doing the same in Nepal, where they place Chinese Communist Party politicians in government, as they have done with a number of surrounding countries governments within South East Asia, and then eventually place more and more within their government system, until eventually they have systematic control over the government and they begin changing their laws and policies in order to give more power to Mainland China and more control over each country, removing their freedoms and a small amount of rights they previously had before their new leaders from China infiltrated their government. If you, like me, believe this is wrong and against human rights, then join me in supporting Hong Kong citizens in their protest against oppression, and watch the amazing film Free China: The Courage to Believe, when we play it at one of the Meaningful Movies events during the next few months! :) youtu.be/LUYF2U4IKgE
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 00:42:36 +0000

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