I have been studding the Sumerian text and the development of the - TopicsExpress


I have been studding the Sumerian text and the development of the Sumerian Lexicon and the pattern that is prevalent is that letters that comprise a name has no mathematical representation as does all modern languages of the last three thousand years. Numbers in Pre-Sumerian culture was just notches, etched in the clay tablets however we have evidence that their methods come from an even older system that goes back another twenty thousand years that were etched on to bone fragments that belonged to mammals that have long been extincted.dating back as far as 35,000 BC and even to a 100,000 BC, Later the Sumerians developed a way to represent the past by associating it as to how far in the distant past that pertains to what they called foreknowledge which are associated with there gods with both Feminine and masculine annotations however later associating knowledge to be strictly a divine gift from a feminine source. This same notation applies to the conception of a child was by the ability of a seed that manifested the god of knowledge which is of a woman so the seed pertains foreknowledge. We also now know that the meaning of a day was not associated with the cycle of the sun as a 24 hour duration but a celestial cycle of stars and planets that there gods originated from. These are just some things I have been working on for the last month and the reason why I am doing this kind of research is to get a clear picture of why there are only twenty forms of religions in practice on the earth today.. Why is there not more? or less than what we see today that is a good question however the answer is because all twenty religions and there base is derived from there language which bring us back to just four branches from just one root.. so this opens up a lot of door s of understanding and a perspective of why we have similarities in all religions today. The other revelation is it appears that 15,000 years ago the whole world was of one language and hens one religion or belief system that was handed down from foreknowledge. Now I mentioned we have evidence of writing system that go back 35,000 years and from that time farther it appears that communication was represented by tokens or Jewelry. And it is a known fact that cave drawings have been discovered all over the world but in Switzerland we have carbon dated the pigments to be over 100,000 years old. So one question is what is a day to God ? if its a thousand years then God has waited thousands of days to make his move on humanity. So this give a new perspective on our history and the pathways to our belief systems today. What we find unmistakable is humanity for over 100,000 years had only one language , one belief system of many gods and then in an instance changed overnight hens we have the epic tale of Nimrod and the so called tower of Babble. however where is the flood in all of this? Well the Sumerian text tell of a time when the waters came up to surround a great city but the people where protected by their gods that came down out of the sky and then returned to the sky when there protection was not needed. sounds sort of like Noahs day ? however the waters surrounded the great city but the people were saved... well that contradicts eight souls in one boat because a great city would have thousands of people inhabiting it so that means thousand if not hundreds of thousand survived this great flood but the flood did not cover the whole earth is obvious because also those who were dwellers in caves also survived. So my quest is leading me in the right direction as to what was Moses inspiration to the book of Genesis. remember words need to be invented and already be established and used before anyone who read it would understand and know of what he was talking about was true or not.. This is foreknowledge in action. There is a saying in Science , you cannot invent the future unless you understand the past.. this is foreknowledge. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_human_prehistory
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 07:19:41 +0000

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