I have been told for the last 6 years that the number in the wild - TopicsExpress


I have been told for the last 6 years that the number in the wild is 38,000. There has never been an accurate counting of just how many are left in the wild. They dont go out and actually count and give a good but rough estimate. Every count is based on what they believe to be the number in certain areas. The entire Wild Horse and Burros Program (or eradication program ) is one of Americas darkest moments, yet so few know the facts or that it even exists. Very sadly what Mrs. Pickens is doing is a tiny percentage of the Wild Horses that are being cared for, yet she deserves much credit for this project. Her, many others, including myself fought the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) for years, fighting for the land the Wild Horses and Burros were given by the 1972 Congress and signed into law by President Nixon. Much of the 50 million acres given these animals has been given away to friends of Washington Criminals, to fossil fuel companies and ranchers who pay next to nothing to use our land to graze their animals. The whole system is corrupt and illegal, and few have done more to doom the Wild horses and Burros than Former Sec. of the Interior Ken Salazar, George Bush and Barrack Obama. There are less then 8,000 Wild Horses and Burros left in the wild. More than 20,000 have been captured and placed in hell holes know has holding pens. Males castrated, mothers and their foals separated and living in filth. The hell bound Horseman Ass. fought hard and now slaughterhouses are once again functioning and many of the once free and protected animals are being sold for their flesh and making these people a lot of many combined with the saturated horse population in the U.S. that are fair game to send to the slaughterhouse to reduce their numbers. This was due to humans promising their horses a life time of protection, food and shelter, yet it makes me sick to see just how many of these horse owners have sold their horses to be killed in a most horrific way, yet claimed to care for them and this is best for the horses. We in the U.S. have little if any regard for animals in general, unless it is a family pet and even then many are quick to dump them off at local shelters, where most will be killed with a lethal injection or gas, in most cases much worse than the lethal injection many find inhumane for death row inmates. -Paul Hester
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 04:05:45 +0000

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