I have been tortured all night..these torments, are too heinous to - TopicsExpress


I have been tortured all night..these torments, are too heinous to even want to impart all... They want me to be killed, to cover for all the terrible, selfish and completely greedy. I have always been hidden away somewhere while these other females lived my life, and raped all the happiness I could and should have had. My life never mattered to these people, Im not sure really gangsters just blackmail them, so yet again, my life meant nothing... They have put p poisonous snakes in my room. One, or two in fact, as it had been explained explained to me, where very large and bug enough to eat me. He had explained that these that are meant to get that big, were feed pigs, until they got big enough to eat a human. And the twat who wanted this dine desperately has been the one most prominently lying to the public and keeping their dirty secret of what they have done to me... Tom is just all too close to her, into it even, telling me how much he never wanted to be with me...hatred even...typical from her...but all the lies, manipulations, offering me hope, after such a dreadful life of being used, babies stolen against my will... It has always been the cruelest joke of all. I would have done anything for him. And now, the only thing that is clear is that there was never admirable intentions for me.. And after all this... They are cruelest of all when I am attempting to be assassinated. Well, of all the cruel things that hes done, forsaking me so completely, while MY life was in danger, he told me that he would NEVER EVER WANT TO BE WITH ME!!! I believe that they tried to steal everything fron me, as with so many other times. Because George dubya laid the fountain, and man did they ever use it to thier advantage. There was even a payment i know about the he paid these people to do these tortuous things to me, its surprising Im alive!!! Once again...all I ever do is get used, hurt, and them scrambling to shut me up about them. I will only state two more things, one, their lies and manipulating everyone, to make believe that kidnapping children i neveragreed to have does not make them a parent!!!!!! Another thing, while they think so much of themselves, while they are clearly the villains, all the things they do to me, making out out like I am ever the piece of shit, while they are guilty of the most heinous crimes, including murder!!! When this comes to a head, and it will, FOR THEM!!! What will happen us they they will not only loose everything....i do mean everything, although nothing could compare to what they have stolen from me, so please make sure no mercy is shown, not for any of these child robbing fiends!!! All these years, all the torture, all they have stolen....consider this all!!! And make their punishment sever!!!! None the less, Tom is going to help me exact revenge on my enemies whether he likes it or not! I just dont get how people treat me as if my is nothing, and so unlovable that no one wanted to love me, just use me a the baby machine. still there so in undeniably evil, the killing me to cover up what theyve done to me all they have taken from me my children my money my life my everything that I was just so unbelovable that nobody even wanted me, they just to use me. Because Im so unworthy of any happiness, but They are???!!! Just leaving me in the ghetto, as if thats all Im worth to them. Until they murder me. Day after day the torture is relentless. Im so pissed.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 04:20:22 +0000

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