I have been unfortunate enough to know people in my life who were - TopicsExpress


I have been unfortunate enough to know people in my life who were Christians but did not understand the love of God. They continually emphasized how I wasn’t good enough for them. They complained about my background and how that was the cause of all my problems. They saw neither hope nor future for me. They saw nothing good about me or my life. Most importantly they had no reason to believe that God could use a person like me. As I look back and evaluate how far I’ve come in my 43 years on earth, I cannot say that I blame them. Not because I lived a reckless life – no, but because as Christians who claim to love the Lord, we can also be hateful and judgmental. Through my experience, I learned that just because someone can quote the scripture does not mean that they really understand what they keep quoting or can live according to the scriptures they have come to know so well. I learnt that knowing God’s Word and knowing of the love of God are two completely different things. The love of God is what allows us to embrace people who are different from us. It allows us to understand that not everyone has had the same opportunities in life that we have been fortunate to have. Knowing God and his Word will show that God always uses the people others would least expect. His ways are not our ways. He focuses on the heart rather than the lip-service. You may see a person as being un-deserving of the grace that they have received from God but the Lord is looking at a much bigger picture than you can ever see or comprehend. If we say that we are Christians, why do we choose to live hypocritical lives? Why do we choose our friends based on the way that they appear? How can we bring others to Christ when we will only embrace those that are just like us on the outside? Jesus Christ was always amongst the less than desirable because he came to the world to save sinners. Embracing people who are different does not mean we compromise our faith and belief; it simply means we open up our hearts so that people can see Christ in us. Let us be quick to abandon all manner of wickedness towards others. If we don not change our ways and the way that we treat others, what goes around will eventually come around. Let us not be quick to write others off as being salvageable. God can save and use anyone of his choice regardless of what background or past they might have. He does not need to convene with any board or committee to get their buy-in. He is God Almighty and not answerable to anyone. Romans 15:1-2,
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 17:02:20 +0000

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