I have been up since 5am and I have been trying to sum up the - TopicsExpress


I have been up since 5am and I have been trying to sum up the courage to put my inner must thoughts about my beautiful, loving and giving mother. Five years ago today, she transitioned to her final place, in heaven, with the almighty. I say she is in heaven, as this woman is the must giving person I have met in my life. You see, my mother, was born at Saruba Hospital. Her dad had come from England to open up PZ (Paterson Zochoniz) I hope I have the spelling right. If you were not born in the 50s, 60s or the 70s, you did not have the privilege, to shop their or to eat their ice cream, Kingsway had theirs too, I believe they were both craving for the clientele. Oh, let me get back on track. This womans DNA is that of an European and an African. She was perfectly molded by God himself, when you see the picture, you would say, Milly, Bo na true you dae too. My mum made sure each and everyone went to school na Menda line, as thats where her heart was. I spent the last two of my secondary school at Harford Secondary, an experience I would pay a million dollars to experience the rich sisterly experience, that has milder me into been this strong, confident African Woman. Not only did my mum bring up six children as a single parent, oh, she had seven, my sister died when she was six years old. I must proudly say, I am the Princess of the Terry family, and my mother will always be the Queen. At any given time we had about three or four young girls and boys, my brought up. I must proudly say, she made sure each of them had an education. We were mandated to bring someone from the Provinces every summer holiday, think we called it long holiday, so they could experience life in city, as we experienced life in the provinces. That exchange was Priceless. Lol. My mum was one of the first people in Sierra Leone that accepted a family, who were looking for refuge in the Sixties. ORA, Dora and Richard were sent off to someplace for refuge as the apartheid government in South Africa was in search of the peoples people who wanted freedom, by all means necessary. My mum accepted them into our home and we had the South African experience. I could write all day about this women who molded me to be a strong African who never forgot where she came from. Mama, I know you are watching over us. You have a lot of company, especially your children and friend. RIP Mama. Say hey to TT, No 2 and They. I miss you loads.
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 22:49:10 +0000

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