I have been very concerned these last days with what is happening - TopicsExpress


I have been very concerned these last days with what is happening in The world and our comunity of light. I deeply believe we have been doing a wonderful Job. you know why? Because we are carriers of love, searchers of thruth. concerned with our will to ascend and help Terra and all humanity to make steps forward. To change The world and The history of The multiverse through our good actions and PRESENCE. That is valuable. We are Valuable. All of us. We are most needed and acknowledge. Much confussion has emerged as it is natural to happen because we are reaching a turning point. A moment to deeply UPLIFT us and The world, much more than ever before. We were told Many things to do and to focus on. We gave our best and will continue doing so. We agreed on that before starting this adventure. We will be victorious. VICTORY will be achieved by union, love, care, respect, will, wisdom.... Love unites. Lets unite our lights. Each of us has come to believe what we decided to believe. From all The information we have recieved, we took action and position and now it is the time when we are advised to change for our highest good. To be more aware. To seek inside for The brightest light. Not so much to take position but be positioned and focus in LOVE. We are told this is necessary to be able to reach our best result. To higher our vibrations more and more and with it make The big change we all want so much To bring heaven on earth. We are in this part of The veil. Are we not? We see very little of The pitchure and we are learning and working to overcome that and be more aware and conected to The real I AM THAT I AM. How do we intend to see The whole story if we see it with our restricted eyes and minds? Many things take place at The same time. We are billions of individual rays of God with as Many FREE WILLS in action as people on The earth. Quite a dance. Isnt it? Little by little, We have recieved information. we wanted to evolve and reach higher levels of conciousness and love in order to accept some issues that without self love would have been unbearable. We are now invited to Look inside of us even more. To get rid of these seeds of darkness we are said we had all accepted to carry with us before coming. We accepted that for The time to come ( which is now) in which we would be prepared enough to deal with it and make The biggest of all changes to finallly hold hands with ONE on earth and forever. Many may come to believe this is lowering our vibes. That this is not acceptable, now that we had finallly achieved so much and are concious of being The children of light. We are The childrens of God. No doubt. we will never forget that again, but if we didnt have some deep work to do, we would already be carrying heaven on earth . We would be manifesting our higher self in this realm and in all dimensions. In this one in which we are conscious of being, we have not yet reached that turning point . You may take The whole story as true or not. But, for me, what it is undeniable is that we need some deep inner work to be done. It is of most relevance. Nothing in The outer world will come to full fruition while we dont completely focus and deal with our personal issues concerning enlightenment. If we focus too much in The outer world and by that forgetting about our inner work, we will surely obtain shadowed results. We may get too distracted playing with The plastic bottle instead of drinking The elixir that The bottle contains. We need to find real balance between these two Worlds we are dealing with. And it has not been easy. I believe it is where we are now. A chance to do some real good inner work needed to allow all our being to freely and endlessly be The unreachable star, manifesting that star which shines 360 degrees around and cannot be reached by any shadow. Many wonderful blessings are leading our Way. They are already here, waiting for us to handle them out through our pure hearts full of love. Lets call it RV, Nesara, Gesara and so on. Some believe in them. Some dont Some have concerns about money as not being spiritual. some believe it is another channel to carry out The light of God, The wealth and abundance from heaven. Until one day money will no longer be necessary. And so on. Infinite ways in which perfection and endless love will and is manifesting. How little must we know of The infinite ways God is and will be blessing, protecting and loving us. Our restricted human mind cannot meassure even a sip of The whole. At least, not mine. What am I to do? If I want to change The world, it is I to change and The world will follow How am I going to manifest peace in The world if I dont achieve peace in my heart and with others? How am I going to make people understand and respect each other in Their differences if I dont start doing it myself? Why this strong will in defending true and fighting againts The so decided to believe Un-trues? How am I to know? I know of one true noone can deny: LOVE. that lives in our heart. Pure love. Our only true Guide to heaven. Porter of all virtudes and perfection. Torch of light. Unbeatable. Out of question. So, dear beloved. Why dont we hold that true in which I am sure we all agree? Because I believe this is all we need as we are only porters of love. (Did I say only?. Can anything be greater than that?) May love Guide me in every breath I take. In every word I say or think. In every action. In everything I give and recieve. In everything I feel. In everything I decide to believe. Is there a need to fight between two loving hearts? Can a loving heart attack? Be unkind? be unrespectful?be fearful? Can a loving heart feel superior or diminished? We are Torchs or light and I want to honor that forever. I want to honor you for that too. I thank you so very much for this moment. It is a great oportunity for me to conect more profoundly with who I am. A wider awareness of my higher self, One, and all of you. A chance to expand The love of which I AM. NAMASTE Carlos
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 08:29:42 +0000

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