I have been waiting to update on the Pediatrician until I could - TopicsExpress


I have been waiting to update on the Pediatrician until I could sit down to type it all out. This was our first visit with her. The other Pediatrician we had I was just not overly fond of and there was a language barrier. This new Pedi also works at the Autism center Kaitlyn was diagnosed at. I figured this would be a win win. Ultimately I would love a Pedi who was versed in Epilepsy AND Autism but I figured she would have a good basis to draw from and I think I was RIGHT! I asked about her losing her bowels/bladder during the day or at night. I explained she was confused and didnt know how it had happened and often agitated. I said I was concerned it was seizures, the Neuro said it wasnt and wanted me to look at other options. She said if you take even a neuro typical child at her age they have accidents. She asked if she was confused about the event or in a confused state. I said no she is in a confused state. She said a child in a confused state, agitated, losing her bowels./bladder is some form of seizure activity. She said we could try to get a urine sample to see if she has a UTI. But she said no fever, no pain when urinating, no blood in her urine, no foul smell, and she isnt always losing her bladder she said there are just no other signs there for anything bladder/kidney related. And neither of us were anxious to get a specimen! So we decided to forgo the testing. I asked about her staring and pupils dilating. She said there are two known causes that immediately come to mind. She said there is a small amount of kiddos with Autism that have this and kiddos with Epilepsy. She said the kiddos with Autism could have Epilepsy and vice versa. She didnt give a definitive answer but at least gave me a ballpark to be in. I asked about her seeing hallucinations. She said again a small amount of kiddos on the Spectrum see things that are not there. Some have incredibly overly active imaginations and sometimes its that. And she said it is also a sign of Epilepsy or possibly and Aura associated with Migraines. She said there is a small percentage of kiddos that have a Psychosis and really have hallucinations. But she said her gut instinct with the hallucinations, agitation, and confusion is it is Epilepsy related perhaps Autism. She all but ruled out a Psychosis diagnosis just given the other factors. She agreed the EEG cannot see the whole brain clearly. That things can happen that you dont see on the EEG. She said they did note it was not a normal EEG and said the generalized slow waves is indicating something started somewhere in her brain that did not show up. She said the Lamicatal is a good med used as a mood stabilizer. I had not noticed it helping mood wise but she has been on Keppra the whole time. And Keprra causes behaviors. She also said Topamax is a good med as well. It is used to treat migraines so she said as a benefit if what she is seeing is Auras due to Migraines that Topamax may help without knowing it did. It is also used to treat bipolar. Which she isnt but it has a mood stabilizing trait to it as well. I asked if we needed to actually go to the Autism clinic, if there was resources there. She said they had a Pyschology clinic but they would be about giving her horribly strong psychotropics and with even worse side effects. She said at this point she did not recommend it. She said to follow up with her Neuro to tell him there is not a medical explanation for losing her bladder/bowels. And her discussion about the other points as well. I really liked her, she spent a long time with us. Longer than she had planned to I expect but I am hoping to finally have a good pediatrician on our team again.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 03:25:03 +0000

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