I have been watching “River Cottage Veg” on the MORE4 - TopicsExpress


I have been watching “River Cottage Veg” on the MORE4 channel. Hugh Fearnley-Whittinstall made a four month veggie pledge. Apparently 25% of the worlds population are vegetarians (unconfirmed). That percentage is much lower in most western countries. What struck me about watching Hugh perform his magic was how tasty his veggie meals looked. I am mix and match person when it comes to food. I live on my own and go for simplicity. I purchase ready meals (choosy) and supplement them with freshly cooked veg (cabbage, broccoli, sprouts (love them) and carrots. I also eat boring salads with some foods. I try to ring the changes. I DO eat both meat and fish, I know that I should not for one reason only. It is WRONG to kill living creatures for food irrespective of what the Old Testament says (Genesis 9:3).. that fact is NOT up for contention .. It is an absolute. That same God gave permission to own slaves and instructed his chosen people to slaughter men, women and children. I have noted how living animals are treated cruelly as a commodity. Those who are in the industries that supply us do not give them a second thought. Tons of living struggling fish thrown into a hold. I marvel at how people can say how much they care for their livestock but happily send them of to be slaughtered. But I am to old to change my diet and my doing so would not make a iota of difference to the wholesale slaughter of living creatures. I am pragmatic. If I could I would turn the whole world vegetarian. You might call me a hypocrite for eating meat and fish (some members suggested that I thought myself perfect .. Far from it). The word hypocrite means simulation of virtue of goodness. I am NOT doing that. I KNOW when I do wrong things or behave badly. I also wear leather shoes and purchase items that are not environmentally friendly. To try and live in a way that does no harm to the planet and all that is on and in it is impossible unless you find a cave and do not consume. I am not up to living in a cave. Even the whole complicated technical system as to how you read this thread (if you bother to) is harmful to the planet in so many ways. ………………………........ This is leading to a point (bear with me). Meat as become expensive. When I shop I see increasing numbers of people purchasing the budget food items in Sainsbury‘s. Chicken is still relatively cheap unless you purchase free range. We steal their eggs and slaughter them in their billions. I smile when I remember Matthew 23:37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! …. Can you see the extreme irony in that passage? …………………………….... The point I was leading to was … if only the organisations that make billions in profits would concentrate on introducing really tasty vegetarian low cost meals. If Hugh can do it, it can be replicated on a large scale. To wean us off meat and fish. The wholesale slaughter and carnage that supplies us with food is not even thought about (excluding the vegetarians) by the majority. And even many of those (veggies) do it for health reasons rather than moral ones. ………………………………..................... So I once again gird up my loins (do you know what that means .. LOL). And await for incoming flack. ………………………………....................... A final philosophical thought. Once a living creature is dead it does NOT matter what you do with the carcass. Use it for food or by products. Let it decompose. When I die my body is a worthless empty shell. They can but it out on the fields or burn it. It only becomes fit for the knackers yard … they can turn me into glue .. SMILE. You might observe that I am NOT maudlin sentimental. BUT the killing of a living creature is an evil act .. Even though you do not comprehend that fact.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 13:08:19 +0000

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