I have been working in Pharmacy for almost 15 years. It never - TopicsExpress


I have been working in Pharmacy for almost 15 years. It never ceases to amaze me how much people are jerks. Really?!?!?!?!?!? Im just the messenger dude. Not my fault your insurance sucks, your doc is an idiot, and/or you have have no clue what is going on with YOUR health. Take some personal responsibility for your health!!! I really do care about my patients and want them to be in good health. But I could care less about you if you treat me like scum. Do not come up to my counter and cuss me out! Would you let someone go to your workplace and start telling you how much youre an idiot and to @$%# off???? I doubt it. Why is it ok for you to do that to me???? Here are some simple rules to remember when dealing with your neighborhood pharmacy: 1. Looks can be deceiving, just because there isnt anyone in the lobby does NOT mean we arent busy. We have calls/faxes from doctors, scripts to fill, phones to answer and we have to stop when you walk up. So please, never say not that busy today?. I will punch you in face in my mind! 2. Your doctor is NOT god. He/She can make a mistake like anyone else. It doesnt mean they dont care about you or your health, it means they are trying to take care of as many people as possible and sometimes have a brain fart. So be patient when we say we have to call the doc for clarification, we dont get to talk to the doc right away either. We have to leave a message just like you. 3. No, your insurance does NOT cover EVERYTHING. I know your doc wrote it, but that doesnt mean they have to cover it. 4. Call in your meds a few days early. Your emergency is not MY fault. Im sorry you waited until 5:30pm on a Friday to call in your insulin with no refills remaining. That isnt my fault. I cant predicted when 1000+ people will need refills on medication. Im sorry, I can try to call the on-call doc for you, but they probably will tell you to go to urgent care like I suggested in the first place. 5. Please be patient. Remember, if you rush an order at a fast food joint, you get pickles when you didnt want any. If you rush me, I may kill you. The reason it takes so long is because of checks, double checks, triple checks... etc. So please never say just slap a label on it. Do you want me to slap it on ANY med or the RIGHT one??????? Also, I have to take people in order. If you were just waiting in line and 4 people drop of scripts in front of you, I have to take them in order. I will not put you in front because: you have to catch the bus, your dog is in the car, you have to pick up your kids, your on your way out of town.......... Sorry, but those people ahead of you have the same issues. Youre just going to have to wait. 6. You treat me with respect and Ill treat you with respect. I dont care if you are a high school dropout or have a Phd. If you are rude and disrespectful to me, I will NOT go out of my way to help you. I know you wont appreciate it anyway. 7. Please for the love of Pete, have your prescription number! It would save us BOTH time and energy if you just use the automated system and call your stuff in. Its not difficult, I know, Ive used it. The less I have to answer the phone and say do you have your prescription number? No? What is your date of birth? What is your name? What is your medication? the faster it is for everyone. Just follow the prompts on the phone, everyone with be happier that way. Oh, and no, talking to me wont make it any faster. So, there is my rant. I know it may sound like I hate my job. I dont! I love what I do. I couldnt think of any other job Id want more (other than a full time mom!). I care for everyone that I help. I cry when my patients die, I worry when they dont come in for a while, I wonder if they are ok and being taken care of. It is the few that make if difficult for the many that irritates me. I love helping people! I hope this helps! So, please share this anyone you think needs it.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 22:09:32 +0000

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