I have been writing about it on my page for over a week now. As I - TopicsExpress


I have been writing about it on my page for over a week now. As I have stated if this officer is guilty of murder they should lock him up and throw away the key. I do not care what color his skin is. So far all I am hearing regarding this shooting is not based on Forensic facts. It is based on Emotion and twisting the facts. They want to hang this officer regardless of the facts. He was never shot in the back as was first reported, the four shots to the arm was to disable him when he turned to run back at the officer. We now know that he did just that based on a audio of two witness who saw the incident. The head wound that everyone is talking about is simple to explain in my opinion, what is the first thing you do when you start to run, you lean forward, that drops your head down, is it possible that happened at the same time the officer shot his gun again. I ask you, why would a police officer kill a young unarmed black man in broad day light in front of so many people who could later identify him. If he wanted revenge and wanted to kill a black man he would just go back some night when there are no witness find him and kill him. Also I find it strange all or most of the looters wear hoods or masks to cover their faces. Why? So you will not be able to identify them, yet this police officer does not. This situation is just what they wanted and needed in Washington. I find it very strange that poor Rabbi going to Temple in Miami who was shot down for no reason by two black men only because he was a Jew is not getting one ounce of media coverage. I wonder when AG Holder will be sending 40 FBI agents down there and getting involved in that murder. I tell you when, hear that cricket sound..........................answer your question. The scales of justice must be the same for everyone regardless of skin color or what is PC. The media has been so outrageous in their reporting of this shooting I do not know how anyone can take them serious anymore, I sure as hell dont. On to the cigars anyone who has worked in the street knows that the cigars are hollowed out and refilled with a very high potent form of marijuana. I will not be very surprised if this young child as they are calling him was high on marijuana laced with PCP or some other chemical , his actions are not consistent with a marijuana smoker. PCP users feel invincible and are like Jason in Friday the thirteenth, the reason the officer had to shoot so many times to stop him. This officer was beaten very badly by this Child before the shooting took place. They now have Forensic evidence that he also had his hand on the officers gun. I knew this was going to be a dog and pony show when Sharpton and Jackson showed up. The mothers words early on told me much, He was a good boy , he was turning his life around Turning his life around from what? Every time I hear that phrase I know we are dealing with a young man who has issues. Not the little angel they are making him out to be. Please let me know when Holder and the 40 plus FBI agents make it to Miami. That will be the next hate crime they will have to deal with. Have Jews started rioting yet? I am sure they will any day now, you think. Oh, one more little detail, did you see the sign carried by one of the protesters, ISIS is here makes one feel so warm and fuzzy. If we are going to get along in this country as I and so many others so desperately want than lets stop the race baiting and look at each other as equals. No rational person regardless of skin color want injustice. No rational person wants to see any young man killed so early in life. If anyone tries to white wash this or any other killing, I will be the first one to march with you, I do not care what the color of your skin is. How about we stop looking at a persons skin color and just look at the person as a friend and neighbor and offer a helping hand when they need it. It is so very easy to do and so rewarding when you do it. Tony
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 11:58:07 +0000

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