I have belatedly come to the conclusion that the ONLY people who - TopicsExpress


I have belatedly come to the conclusion that the ONLY people who STILL support Obama are those who respect dishonestly and lying. The LIAR in CHIEF, which Obama clearly is, was once Chairman of the Harvard Law Review, clearly the MOST PRESTIGIOUS law journal in the world, yet hasnt a clue about the Constitution, or its intent. Additionally, as a law professor at one of the nations most prestigious law schools, he taught hundreds, if not thousands, of sheisters the law. Sadly, he is a lawyer(read, liar) and a politician, never a good combination. Then, just as an aside, REMEMBER, 25 yrs ago, when Ronald Reagan pushed the Catastrophic Care Medicare rider law, and a Democratic Congress passed it, and he signed it. Well, just a year and a half later, out of fear and ignorance, George HW Bush, attempting to backpeddle his most notorious promise, which assured he would serve only one term, decided to blackball a law he previously supported as Reagans VP, and talked a Democratic Congress into repealing the very equitable and necessary law, which has NEVER been replaced. If you need catastrophic, care, which you will, if you life very long, after you are on Medicare, you have to do without, or be able to afford very expensive private insurance, you are more like than not, to ever need. It was thrown up, in Romneys face in last years campaign, that he passed and supported, and signed, what was euphemistically called, Romneycare (according to Democrats,)and was a Republican bill and idea, passed by a Democratic State legislature in Massachusetts. So, in both cases, Republicans came up with a sound and proper, simple and effective law, that grandfathered in, all in need, for a good price. Remember, a couple of years, after pussy GW Bush, repealed the great law for catastrophic care, when Hillarycare came along. Clinton was castigated by Newt Gingrich, leader of the House of Representatives, and the republican sweep of both houses of Congress by Republicans, for the first time in decades. Not because she was the wife of a Democrat president, which is how the press spun it at the time, but because it was a terribly poor version of Socialism, and nothing less. It was taking from those who have, and redistributing that wealth to lazy people who could give a good shit, about working a day in their lives. There are people in my city, who I personally know, whose families have been on public assistance for THREE GENERATIONS. What kind of country allows its people to mooch off of the system for almost 100 years, and with everyone in the entire families and extended families, never having had any kind of employment, and in between stints in jail and prison. I am sick to death of the media bias which almost universally talks down and runs down Republicans (like male bashing, only actually important,) and Democrats (like feminism, or as Rush Limbaugh calls it, feminazism, not altogether innaccurate, though be it, his tongue-in-cheek, moronic sense of humor.) If you still support Obama, you are probably an ignorant, misinformed and highly lied to, old black lady. Thats the truth, it isnt a political opinion. I voted for Ronald Reagan twice, when I was a registered Democrat, and Bill Clinton, twice, when I was a registered Republican. So, Im biased, not. I have been registered unaffiliated, or independent ever since the Lewinsky affair, with good reason. The Rs and Ds are both equal opportunity offenders, when it comes to dishonesty, mostly because they are almost all lawyers, and incompetence, and dont forget, corruption. Thats why , even after Reagan proposed both term limits and the line-item veto, multiple years and Congresses, will STILL have neither. They are such big pussies, that they are all for it until they are against it, then for it, again. Just depends on how much money the 200 lobbyists in DC per Congressman, throw at them, to buy their vote, for the backend support on their next campaigns. Finally, it seems, the average American might just be fed up enough, to actually bother to vote, in the next election for president. Wow, the American laziness and apathy. If you are a Socialist, you should move to France. But, you should know, that the president of France, Msr. Holland, has an approval rating even lower than Obamas. Its 18%, about half of Obamas. And they just elected him a year ago. Overwhelmingly, because they were sick of Sarkozy/Bruni, media circus. Clearly the French care more about staying informed about politics, than the Americans. Hence, his lack of popularity. If you like a liar for a president, maybe we should elect Hillary, so Bill can run the country again.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 04:19:56 +0000

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