I have chosen today to post the status numerous people have been - TopicsExpress


I have chosen today to post the status numerous people have been asking me about and waiting on.. I grew up in the city of Alpharetta.. Not familiar with it?? Google Forbes top places to move to in the country and look at number 1.. If you noticed over the past couple of years I havent really posted statuses very often for a reason, but now that peoples true colors have been shown, there are some things I would like to address.. You know I just wanted to sit back and watch my news feed for a few weeks before I posted this in response to all of the uneducated ignorance I have witnessed from all races.. I also like to see different viewpoints and perspectives from all walks of life.. My view will be interestingly different due to my circumstances growing up.. Although I grew up in a predominantly white area, (Alpharetta, which was nothing but trees and white people at the time lol) I went to elementary/middle school in a very diverse area (Chamblee/Dunwoody) before returning to Alpharetta for high school.. Throughout my childhood, numerous people of all races referred to me as acting white which was largely in part due to my intelligence and level of intellect, which I never understood because being raised by a teacher, that is the only way I knew to carry myself.. I also never had a detention, ISS, OSS in elementary middle and high school.. In fact I only missed one PE class for a missed homework assignment (which was the punishment for missed homework assignments) and that was in the fourth grade, so I know all too well about following the rules/law etc.. But at the end of the day, right is right and wrong is wrong.. My mom always taught me to treat others the way I wanted to be treated.. She also taught me the influence and power of a smile.. Which everyone knows is one of my habits.. I know that as long as I smile, I either make someone else smile, brighten someones day, or let someone know the true strength of happiness and how negativity will not destroy who I am or who I will become.. Even though I met some amazing people from 3rd to 7th grade in the Chamblee area, I dont regret attending Alpharetta High for various reasons, but the fact that I played for the city in which I was raised made it that much sweeter.. Although there were many cases I felt racially profiled throughout my childhood, I would have to say playing travel baseball for a team out of Forsyth was amongst my most memorable and I can truly say it gave me the thick skin I have today. I heard things like you dont need to be out here, go play football with the rest of your people I kindly turned around and said, Ill be out there in the fall, feel free to come watch. I was raised to respond to hatred with kindness (though sometimes it can be hard) and it leaves people shocked, like I am supposed to become angry and lash out.. I do get frustrated with all of it at times, but I also realize that it is not everyones fault that were born into families with grandparents that opposed integration half a century ago.. As much as I want to believe times are different now, it honestly was just yesterday that Dr. King was murdered and segregation was present.. All in all, mindsets wont change overnight.. Another thing people need to realize is everyone isnt against ALL cops.. In fact, one of the best personalities and one of the most Genuine people I have ever met was a cop, and all of my Alpharetta High alumni know him as Officer Stanley.. No matter how bad my day was, he was one of the few people that always had that positive vibe coming off of him that made me feel better about myself.. I remember my senior year and how all of the people that were saying voters only voted for Obama just because he is black.. But knowing what you know now, can you honestly blame them?? And to address the people saying does he talk about the cases where the white people die?? There really is no need to comment on that, but I will anyways.. The backlash, protesting, and anger was not a result of people being killed at an alarming rate.. It was a result of justice (or lack thereof) in these cases... Was there protesting after the actual killings? Or was it after the fact that police officers are walking away without even being indicted.. And to touch more on that, Obama was being bashed for speaking on the mike brown situation when the majority of his speech and the headliner was him telling people not to vandalize nor break the law... He honestly cant win for losing.. Had he said nothing about the situation, people would ask why is he not trying to get the situation under control?? I was once told that there is no better teacher than experience.. I am now finding out through people on my newsfeed that the statement could never be more true.. I have noticed several statements along the lines of dont resist and you will live dont break the law and these situations wont occur Im curious if any of the people that made those statements are aware of the Stop and frisk law that is heavily enforced in the state of New York.. Judging by the confusion as to why the cops harassed Eric Garner over some untaxed cigarettes, its safe to say people are not aware of the abuse of that law.. Well the outrage in New York is a result of this abuse, because people are being harassed for reasons twice as minuscule as untaxed cigarettes and yes You guessed it (song reference) it is because the color of ones skin.. I wont get into the numbers of who gets stopped and frisked but you can do that research on your own time... A few months ago I was pulled over for my license tag light being out even though I later found out that night that it was not.. I was only pulled over for obvious reasons that I wont get into right now but I just simply wanted to get away from the cop without any altercation (such as me getting out of my car to look at it and something going wrong or there being a mistake) Another thing, people ask why are we still talking about these situations that have happened a while ago and those same people previously said that once the situation blows over it will be forgotten like always.. Well pick a side of the fence please and stick with it.. At the end of the day, we have to think before we speak.. Human evolution must first be analyzed.. Its funny how people have referred to the people of riots as monkeys apes if you will (yes people are sad I know)..BUT, the first paragraph, on the first link, when human evolution is googled states Humans are primates . Physical and genetic similarities show that the modern human species, Homo sapiens, has a very close relationship to another group of primate species, the apes. Ok cool.. One of the things I found most frustrating through all the media attention were the news reporters cluelessness after the Mike Brown case, as to why these reactions.. There is a reason you hear your English professor say they leave math alone because thats not something they have experience in (EXPERIENCE BEING KEYWORD).. Well thats the same when it comes to life.. Reporters look clueless because they have no experience on the other side of the fence of racism, so while its not their fault, they should leave it to the other professors (reporters) to give any type of credible information to the students (audience).. And yes I know eyes were opened (throughout the news anchors as well as my newsfeed) after video footage confirmed that the death of Eric Garner could have easily been avoided, but helloooo its too late now.. You already exposed yourselves.. Here is a great example.. Does anyone remember the Ray Rice situation?? Ok cool.. Lets compare some facts.. People tore Roger Goodell apart for trying to cover up the situation and keep the NFL out of the spotlight for negativity once again which is something we like to call damage control.. He was bashed about claiming to not have known what went on in the elevator after only seeing Ray Rice drag his wife out of it.. People were saying after the video was released of him punching her that WE ALREADY KNEW HE HIT HER DID HE REALLY NEED VIDEO EVIDENCE TO FIGURE OUT WHAT HAPPENED IN THAT ELEVATOR?!! Well lets get back to these cop brutality cases and ask the same question.. If there was never a video of Eric Garner being choked to death, would you honestly defend him? Or would you say, he should have just complied with the officer and followed orders, Im sure he fought back, look how big he is, it must have been a mistake as all of those officers were only trying to apprehend him.. And for everyone (including black people and celebrities) bashing no protests to black on black crime .. You might want to do some research.. I personally attended a function a month ago to end murders everywhere from every race to every country.. There are communities all over the country protesting black on black crime.. It just doesnt seem as newsworthy so it is missed when it comes to the big shot media stations. If I am caught blasting loud music, (which I do at times) I am technically breaking the law and will be labeled a thug not only by the other races but by celebrities of my own race as well including Pharell.. So even though Im known as a good person in general.. One mistake, one day, one moment, can defy me in a nutshell because of the power of the media.. If there is ever going to be world peace, the media will have to be on board.. I have once been in a long term relationship where I never met the parents because of the dangerousness of my kind that is constantly portrayed through the media.. Riots in Huntington Beach for the big surfing competition, Red Sox winning the World Series, Joe Paterno being fired, and to Lebron leaving town and my timeline was never filled with opinions about them.. These were all cases that have shown the normality of rioting.. It is nothing new, but it is being portrayed as something that has never been done before.. And to touch more on the protests after the Mike Brown case, I noticed people asking where are the protests for Dillon Taylor?? Where are the protests for the Autumn Pasquale?? Well for one, who exactly is saying dont protest?? Who is saying dont stand for peace amongst everybody from everywhere?? If there is one person that has told you or anyone you may know not to protest an end to violence, point them out please and I will educate them as well.. I understand where people are coming from when they say dont fight fire with fire but I also understand why people feel fire in peoples eyes as well.. For example, Imagine being physically punched in the face over and over.. How long would it take before you throw a punch back? Minutes? Seconds ?? Well imagine being punched for years... Its only a matter of time before a punch is thrown back .. And finally, something I found interesting that I heard on a radio station a few days ago is that there is a thin line between cops and gangsters... That is the Didnt hear nothin dont say nothin approach, unless its to make cop look good.. And those were words of a cop.. I understand why cops keep there mouths closed when it comes to protecting fellow cops, because of the repercussions a cop may face if not on board with the approach can probably get intensively scary.. A Church was allegedly set on fire by white supremacists (so for everyone praising God everyday on Facebook, Im curious the importance level you put this on because if he is number one in your life like you say he is then Im sure you will take time to express the hurt and ridiculousness behind that like you did when the riots began) and at the end of the day, A CHURCH IS A CHURCH, no matter the race, no matter the religion.. There is no room for that.. At the end of the day the only way to conquer hatred is through love, peace, and happiness.. So as long as the obvious is continuously ignored, no progress will ever be made..
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 21:51:58 +0000

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