I have come across this video on my timeline several times and - TopicsExpress


I have come across this video on my timeline several times and almost every time, I see someone bring up the most far-fetched theories as to why the snow acts the way it does under the lit lighter. I have seen people say that the excessive amounts of snow we are getting this winter are made by the government and that chemtrails have a lot to do with it. Though, the conspiracy behind chemtrails remains an entirely uncertain theory, I think their understanding of chemtrails is essentially flawed. Before I explain some of the conspiracy theories of chemtrails, Id also like to point out the real reason for the snow acting the way it did in the video. The black soot seen on the snowball is from the accelerant, or fuel (usually butane), used to make the flame. Butane burns dirty, meaning it burns leaving black remnants behind. This waste product left behind from the butane is why the snow appears to turn black. This can also explain the claims of there being an awful smell. If the snow is put over a fire that is not fueled by butane, the snow will melt. So putting a snowball over a [natural] gas stove or grill will cause immediate melting to occur. Now, on to the issue of the chemtrails and their alleged contribution to excessive amounts of snow. As I said before, I think a lot of the theories sprouting about are completely based off of anothers theory, or a theory they have heard only little about. This seems to have resulted in a giant game of telephone. I think this has a lot to do with people not understanding what a chemtrail supposedly is, or its guessed proposes. That is what Im hoping to shed some light on! When you look up in the sky and see a jet passing over, you will usually see a band of white gas streaming behind it. This is called a contrail. Contrails (condensation trails) form when hot, humid air from the jets exhaust mixes with environmental air of low vapor pressure and low temperature. Since air temperatures at these high atmospheric levels are very cold (generally colder than -40 F), only a small amount of liquid is necessary for condensation to occur. Water is a normal byproduct of combustion in engines. So, while they (the conspiracy theorists) accept that contrails are a natural byproduct of jet engines, the suspicion is that the government has since used that excuse to put other substances in them, creating chemtrails. In addition, the conspiracy theorists hold on to some anecdotal evidence that connect epidemics of flu-like symptoms to instances of contrails. A number of environmentalists started some studies in the areas that chemtrails are often reported, and they came back with soil samples that had revealed high levels of aluminum, barium salts, strontium and they found that the soil pH is rapidly becoming alkaline. They have also found the atmosphere that has been geoengineered to contain ethylene dibromide, aluminum oxide, barium salts, strontium, cadmium, mercury, decussated red blood cells, live biological toxins, radio active thorium, yellow fungal mycotoxins, mold spores, mycoplasma and an assortment of other toxic soups. Some other interesting facts that the conspiracy theorists found: Alzheimers has risen 260 per cent in Riverside, CA, (a location that has had a lot of chemtrails) over 10 years and respiratory mortality has moved from No. 8 to No. 3 in a period of six years. Aerosol geoengineering of chemical particulates has been particularly heavy over California for the past decade or so. Can this be linked to chemtrails? Some people believe that the government may possibly be experimenting with weather manipulation for military defensive purposes. As crazy as that may seem, it actually isnt too far-fetched. During the 1950s, the British were able to successfully seed clouds with salt, dry ice, and silver iodide to make rain. This makes the theory a bit more believable and, in all actuality, this is a very possible and effective military defense tactic. Conspiracy theorists believe that this might have connections to HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) which studies the atmosphere to advance communication and navigation systems. A very popular theory (probably the most popular) is that chemtrails are intentional attempts made by the government to contend with global warming or even the depletion of the ozone layer by spraying reflective particles to counteract the suns radiation and to keep us in a cocoon, if you will. The government calls this geoengineering. Though, if this is indeed true, its ironic, I think, that (non-conspiracy theorist) environmentalists put a lot of the blame for polluting the skies on jets contrails. However, recently there have been published NASA studies that show the reflective cocoon is holding the heat at night, not allowing Earth’s natural cooling and exacerbating the issue of global warming. We know that weather can and is being programed and modified with devastating results. Whether the conspiracy hype is only healthy skepticism or just plain paranoia, contrails are certainly an area of concern for the environment and shouldnt be overlooked. I think its wise to be curious, and wiser still not to discard someone elses concerns or curiosities.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 09:44:08 +0000

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