I have copied and posted some controversial memes lately - TopicsExpress


I have copied and posted some controversial memes lately concerning the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine. They were intended to spark debate/dialogue/discussion or reflection upon the points presented. Some were on the harsh side: if I offended anyone, I apologize. That said: anyone who has known me for any length of time (I would hope) knows that I say whats on my mind, I try to be honest and forthright, I hold no ill will towards people for *who they are*, but will usually call out *how they act*, and I dont shy away from asking difficult or uncomfortable questions. That is why I was somewhat surprised to receive this in my message box today: Them: I dont know how you got to be a FB friend, but I have no use for ignorant anti-Semites, emphasis on the ignorant. Bye. Me: Anti-Semite indicates a bigotry or hatred against peoples of a certain ethnic origin, including Jews, Arabs and a few others. I have no animosity nor bigotry for anyones accident of birth (i.e., the things about a person over which they have no control, like what race or ethnicity their parents were, or where they were born.) What I do have a problem with is how States and Nations act, purportedly on behalf of the people under their jurisdiction. I also have a problem with anyone who allows their nationalism (or religion) to override their humanity, or to justify their own bigotry or prejucice against a people. If my refusal to accept Manifest Destiny or Zionism or any similar mindset, unchallenged, and my questioning of its premises makes me an anti-Semite in your worldview, then, yes -- goodbye and shalom and travel well, XqyIheuNHGGpB. I would sincerely hope any of you who think anything I post is out of line/tone deaf/hateful/etc. would be blunt enough to just tell me so. If not on your own behalf, then for the benefit of others who might feel the same way.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 23:53:33 +0000

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