I have debated this for a long time.. telling the story of my - TopicsExpress


I have debated this for a long time.. telling the story of my life, how I came to be. I will skip the first 17 years of my life its the typical I was born and raised stuff. I joined the Marine Corps when I was 17. I already had a daughter at that age and I was doing what I felt was right. Little did I know, that choice would change everything. I was 19 when 9/11 happened and I was one of the first units to deploy. Jump forward a few more years and a couple more deployments and my second daughter was born. I joined the Army when I was 25 and yet again found myself in the hotbox. I officially left the military after 14 years and some change. You know I can honestly say that it was my time in the wild that made me who I am. I have put foot to ass for most of my life, been deployed to Iraq and Afghan six times, specialized in demolition / explosives, psychological operations / interrogation, jumped out of too many perfectly good planes, been way too deep in the ocean, I have been shot, stabbed, and blown up, and was a Ranger. I have been an mma fighter, worked with movie stars, been silent partners with gyms and clothing lines, made a million and spent a million. I look back on my life.. dealing with being bipolar with severe mood displacement and a huge case of PTSD.. and I see now that I avoided my own pain by trying to fix the world. I tried to right every wrong, heal every wound, point out every injustice. I spent my time demanding that the world system reform. I dedicated myself to rescuing and reforming those I love at the expense of myself. It was futile in some regards.. this world has burned a whole in some peoples heart that can never be filled. I really want to thank some people on here for being there for me. Jenn Kahan.. Its not really a surprise to anyone that she and I are best friends. You know sometimes people can be so reliable that you can literally set your clock by them. She has kicked me in my ass a few times and I have put her in her place... like once. Thomas, Pasha, and Melissa have also been there for me in major ways. I get asked all the time to join other companies and truth be told, I have no interest. One person has been good enough to get me to join them and that is no mystery who that is. My loyalty and friendship are not for sale. You cant barter with a man that already has all that he wants.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 03:25:46 +0000

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