I have debated with myself all day on whether or not to post this - TopicsExpress


I have debated with myself all day on whether or not to post this but “something/someone” keeps telling me to. Although I need to say first that I am not telling this story because I want anything or any acknowledgement but instead that I want people to listen when HE is talking and that HE will be right by your side. Since school ended in May I don’t take my normal route to work, instead I take a route that brings me into Bowling Green (instead of the normal Louisville Rd to 165). I have noticed a man, almost every day, sitting on a bench with his eyes closed as if he was sleeping and his backpack close to his side. I assume he is sitting up because he doesn’t want to be ticketed for loitering. Chilly or rainy he was usually sitting there. I always pass right by and wonder what his situation is, why he was sitting there, why, why, why……then go right on to work and never think about it again until the next morning. My parents have always taught me it is better to give than receive and our Pastor has taught us that it is not our place to judge other individuals. Brother Robert has also taught us that we should listen when GOD speaks to us, even when we have every excuse why we shouldn’t and then the big one, “Tell someone about our Savior”, don’t lose the opportunity. So this morning…..I drive my way into Bowling Green and there he sits. Eyes closed and his backpack beside him. The thought instantly comes to me that I should stop by McDonalds and get him something to eat and drink. Then the debating starts…… I will be late for work. What if he isn’t homeless and is just waiting on a ride each morning. I can’t walk up to him and hand him something, what if he rejects me and doesn’t want “charity”. Would he hurt me, a female walking up to a strange man? What if he has health problems and can’t have McDonalds…….I know far fetching but it could be true, lol. So I pull up to McDonalds and I convince myself to go ahead and order him 2 sausage biscuits and a Large Drink (threw those health problems out the window). Then the devil started working on me. I couldn’t get out of the McDonalds parking lot, I couldn’t get in the right lane then how was I going to park and get it to him? I finally pull in a nearby parking lot that is close to him and sit wondering how to get the strength to do this! How am I going to walk up to a stranger and hand him food and tell him that the LORD loves him when he is sitting on a bench by himself in the middle of Bowling Green and has been for weeks. I came real close to just pulling out and telling myself it was only $3.50 worth of food and that I could give it to a co-worker. I didn’t, I sucked it up and walked over to him. He watched me very close until I spoke to him. I handed him the breakfast and the drink and said “the LORD loves you and HE wanted me to tell you that this morning”. His response was……..a smile. That is enough for me! The bigger reward for me is that I listened to the LORD when he was telling me something. Even when I was scared and afraid, I did it. Now let me say this……I am not perfect and far from it but I am a work in progress. I am a sinner and I fall every day but if I can give one person out there the courage to stop and listen to GOD then I have helped 2 people today. I want no acknowledgment for doing what all of us should do each day and that is to tell someone about Jesus. I should have stayed and talked to him more but I know that I have put the “seed” in his heart and pray that someone might continue that for me. Everyone stop for a minute and think how you might be able to plant a seed today!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 20:40:27 +0000

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