I have decided after a few days to put the Eulogy I did for my - TopicsExpress


I have decided after a few days to put the Eulogy I did for my Moms funeral here on Facebook. It took me three days to write it, and I wanted to capture the essence of my Mom in the most fundamental way. Mom was always selfless, thinking of others before herself. She was also a fighter and never gave up, no matter the cost, and always managed her priorities even when sick or tired. She was a wonderful woman, loved God, and was influential in bringing others to the Lord. In testimony to her legacy, I hope that this eulogy will serve just that purpose. Here it is: Mom’s Eulogy By Nick Miller August 11th, 2014 My name is Nicholas Miller, I am Sue and Greg Miller’s youngest son…..better known in our family as “Nicky-Poo”. I’d like to thank the church members and our extended family here at Apostolic Life Cathedral; Pastor Harper, Brother Kuntzmann, Sister Alice, Sister Gwen Blevins, Sister Mayes, Brother Joe, Brother Jerry, Sister Mills, and many, many others present who had the honor and privilege, or have been inspired by Mom for the time that they knew her. I would like to thank all of our family, friends, and loved ones who have attended to pay their respects to Mom, and the many others’ whose lives have been touched and inspired by our wonderful Mother, Sue Miller. Mom was 60 years old when she died at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center last Wednesday morning. She leaves behind a wonderful husband and our wonderful Father, Greg Miller…..who is one of my life-long heroes and has been a ROCK and the strength for our entire family thru this tragedy, my older Brother Shaun, his wife Lisa, and their two daughters Sydney and Caitlyn, My wife…Angie, and our four sons; Wade, Joshua, Connor, and Cody Miller, and many other loved and cherished family members. This past two weeks has been one of the most tragic times in our family’s lives. Since Mom was initially diagnosed with small-cell carcinoma of the lung in September 2011, she knew well the fight ahead and never gave up fighting that battle. Mom was taken by this very aggressive, invasive, and non-discriminating disease…Cancer. Small-cell carcinoma is the worst possible cancer a person can get, and Mom met it head-on with the courage and determination that would inspire a Navy SEAL. Mom knew the impact this disease would have on her and our family, and what little time she may have left on this Earth. She stayed positive and pledged to make the most of her remaining life by renewing her faith in God, planning family vacation trips, and focusing 100% of her time to her friends, her family, her church, and by saving others from Satan’s evil and wicked grasp, literally pulling others out of the fire before they too were lost to the fires of hell. Mom never believed in a separation of relationships, for example; business vs. personal. Every human being she encountered was treated the same. One of two things would happen when you met Sue Miller…..you would either be her best friend for life, or you were adopted into our family…..sometimes both. There was no doubt, that when you met her and knew her….even briefly…..she touched your life in a very special way. From the time that she met you until she passed, I guarantee each and every person she ever knew was in her mind and heart, and she was worried more about you than she was about herself. That was Susan Miller. Mom had many, many achievements in life, which I couldn’t possibly have the time today to tell all of you about. My most fondest memories were the Tee-Ball Mom who gave us extra water at the games, the Mom who cooked for EVERYONE in the neighborhood during the aftermath and recovery of Hurricane Hugo in Charleston, SC in 1989, and the Mom who cooked and cleaned for all the firefighters at the firehouse during the 2003 Mason County Ice Storm. What can I still say about our Mom….Susan Miller…….that many of you do not already know? • Was it the worrying Mom did that would track us down at night to find us and make sure we were safe? Was it the reenactor who made sure everyone else was fed first and had a warm blanket on cold nights? • Or was it the Mom who screamed at the top of her lungs so loud that the neighbors two blocks away would hear her and start a search party? • Or was it the same Mom who would have your back and help you fight your battles? Cry with you when it hurt? Or was it a gentle hug, a tender kiss, and an encouraging word when you needed it most. When she had a question she knew EXACTLY who to go to or call for answers. When she had a problem she KNEW just who could fix it. When it hurt she knew exactly how to make you feel better. That wasn’t just Sue Miller. There’s more to her wonderful legacy in this life. My most fondest, happiest, and recent memory of Mom occurred on Thanksgiving Day last year. After Mom was given the devastating news by the Oncologists and staff at Walter Reed National Millitary Medical Center about the complete effects and the conclusion the CANCER would have on her body, she feared she would not live to see Christmas. Dad told us that Thanksgiving and Christmas of 2013 may be her very last. Our family made sure that the Thanksgiving dinner would be the greatest she had ever experienced in her life. Her cousin, Mike Coburn, was travelling down from Ohio to spend dinner with us also. The meal would be prepared by Myself and Angie, so Mom would not have to overexert or worry about the meal and her family. MOM had ALWAYS prepared the meal in recent years. Nonetheless, Mom went into full mode, managing Angie and I in the kitchen to ensure the meal would be delicious and abundant, with a exactness that can only be compared to Chef Gordon Ramsey. After eating one of the most enjoyable and delicious Thanksgiving meals in our lives, and giving the highest thanks to God for what he has and continues to bless us with, the next part of the mission was revealed. It was time to hang the Christmas lights up on the house. Joshua, Wade, and I went up on the roof to hang the lights while my Dad supervised, and Josh’s friend Dennis passed box after box of Christmas lights to us on the roof. Angie and Mom remained in the house to go through Christmas containers full of ornaments and decorations. Dad had stepped around the corner of the garage for only a few minutes, when Mom decided to check on our progress outside. She came out thru the garage…..and noticing that Dad was missing immediately asked, “where’s Greg?”. Dennis, with the most calmest but serious expression on his face, simply pointed up to the roof and replied, “Greg is up there.” Mom went into her usual panic and worry mode, screaming at Dad on the roof, “GREG! Get off the roof! You know your balance is bad! You’ll get killed up there!! You’re gonna fall!” But Dad was not there. Josh, Wade, and I started laughing as we knew what Dennis had done. Just a few seconds later Dad appeared from around the corner of the garage yelling, “What are you yelling at me for?” and Mom immediately realized that Dad was never on the roof, and it was all a joke instigated by Dennis, she started laughing uncontrollably and nearly wet herself. Needless to say Dad had no clue what had conspired and informed us not to give Mom a heart-attack. Mom & Dad taught us growing up that: “A man can only be beaten in two ways….if he gives up…or he dies” So in 1996 I was chosen by God to become a firefighter. Something I always thought had purpose and meaning in life, and something that Mom & Dad were very proud of me for accomplishing. I have remembered that phrase, and for 18 years I have pulled people from the death’s clutches, saving children and the elderly from fire after fire, wreck after wreck, and in disasters all around the world. Mom’s calling by God was similar, but to save souls from the fires of eternal hell as Peter had written. When Mom died…. She was in the BEST medical facility in the world, on a military base, that cared for warriors wounded in combat. She died a WARRIOR…..surrounded by WARRIORS. Not as a military soldier, but as a Warrior of God. Her mission in life….to save others from the clutches of Satan and his evil, lying, wicked ways. She was truly an ambassador to Christ for others. This was apparent in the saving of Julie Glenn, shortly before she passed away. As I’ve had a few days to reflect on Mom’s life.....and I had to ask.....how many people in this world have it so much easier than our Mom did? How many never had to face the battles she faced, and yet lose sight so easily of what is truly important? Many of us get distracted by insignificant things in life, many of us brood and focus on our little problems, and forget that which is most important.......our Friends.......our Family.....our Faith......and each other. But through everything Mom went through, she managed to keep her priorities straight. What can be more important than loving and showing your love for your family? How can some of us who are blessed with so much forget to be thankful to God, while somehow Mom kept her faith through all of her trials. This is a wonderful legacy. This is a wonderful example to follow. To keep focused on what is truly important, not only when your life is easy, but when it is difficult also. That was Sue Miller. Knowing how much her family meant to her, and also how much she loved God, I think it was such a special blessing that just before she passed away, Mom was able to spend a wonderful and unusually long time with us on vacations, re-enactments, holiday dinners and celebrations, and here with her Church family. The people she nurtured and the love she showed to all of us will live on and be with us even now that she has gone to be with the Lord. A few days ago Dad had asked me what Mom’s favorite verse was. Well.....she didn’t have just one, and if you asked her she would tell you “All of them”. I thought that Psalms 40:1-11 which she read often, was appropriate for Mom’s and the last verse I read with her, the “Song of Deliverance” written by King David, was a fitting testimony to Mom’s faith in the Lord, and a testimony to her Legacy.....as Mom had always wanted others to know......and come forward to God. PSALM 40:1-11 I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry. 2 He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. 3 And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the LORD. 4 Blessed is that man that maketh the LORD his trust, and respecteth not the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies. 5 Many, O LORD my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done, and thy thoughts which are to us-ward: they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee: if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered. 6 Sacrifice and offering thou didst not desire; mine ears hast thou opened: burnt offering and sin offering hast thou not required. 7 Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me, 8 I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart. 9 I have preached righteousness in the great congregation: lo, I have not refrained my lips, O LORD, thou knowest. 10 I have not hid thy righteousness within my heart; I have declared thy faithfulness and thy salvation: I have not concealed thy lovingkindness and thy truth from the great congregation. 11 Withhold not thou thy tender mercies from me, O LORD: let thy lovingkindness and thy truth continually preserve me. I now ask you to please stand with me in applause, and help me remember....and celebrate the wonderful and loving legacy of our Mom, Susan Miller. #LegacyofSue #FindtheCure #GodisnotDead #CancerSucks #MillerStrong #RememberSue #NeverGiveUp #FighttheGoodFight
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 00:54:27 +0000

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