I have decided it is my turn to vent online. I hate alitalia, jfk - TopicsExpress


I have decided it is my turn to vent online. I hate alitalia, jfk and medical insurance companies. these people do not care whos lives they might be affecting and penalizing. everyone is so quick to take your money and pass you off to the next person. I have been on the phone since 8 am with either an insurance company, a lawyer, air italia, air france, jfk and croatia airlines. and no one is of any help everyone just want to point a finger at the next person and not assume responsibility. these people dont care because they are not personally affected its bullshit!!! i hope everyone I spoke to today ( except my lawyer) gets severe diarrhea and is sick for a few days so they can understand the pain and frustrations i am having.,It is so unfair that a foreigner can become doctor here in the us and not speak or understand the language very well. there should be some sort of test for them. and all these majors airlines which suck because they can not locate my luggages.. can you believe they dont have a clue where they are, not even in which country how ridiculous i thought with tighten security things would be more organized. sorry everyone for my rant but i do feel a little better.. end rant
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 16:05:52 +0000

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