I have discovered that the best way for me to have a really good - TopicsExpress


I have discovered that the best way for me to have a really good workout is to not know its coming. To have it sneak up on me and not realize its happening until it really is so as to not give me time to talk myself out of it. Last nights swim was just such a workout. 2000 yds. of pure, What? ...Who is this in my bathing suit? Before I knew it I had a 500 warm up down and was getting into some sets of 100 yd alternate 100 IM swim/fin when I realized I was just about at 1000 yds. I had convinced myself that Id go a mile and be happy, when at about 1300 the woman in the lane next to me interrupted my groove to ask me if I wanted join the MAC Masters swim group. I told her a polite but flat out NO. She pressed me on it and I told her I dont do anything competitively anymore. She was enfatic that it didnt have to be competitive.... Um, I thought. Yes it does. Then the coach chimed in and I decided now would be a good time to push off and finish my... Oh, shit. where was I? I have this rule. You can only count the yardage you can remember completing. I could only remember turning the corner on 1000 yards so I had to start over from there. (arg). I shoved off. Now it was 200 swim/fin time. 2oo free 200 kick... So for 200 yards, I started to think about the days when I did swim competitively. I thought about my coaches, Mr. Comstock, Wally and Chuck Dobler, Kristy Seibold, and I thought about how Cheryl Barns who used to swim behind me in my lane and slap my feet if she caught up to me, and Karon Riley, and Kathleen Winter Rilett, and Ann M. Williams, and Sandra Fish and Tammy Cliff, and Terry Barnes, and Tammy Stephens, and the Gregricks, and the rest of the team. I thought about how much I hate intervals and decided Ill never do them again, although they were on the masters workout board for the night and ....I could do that.... Then I thought about how Id lost count again and had to start at 1500 and keep going because I still had 10 minutes left. Thats when I realized that I was going to swim 2000+ yards because I still felt like flipper and could swim all day. I finally got there and looked up at the clock. I could go a few more minutes and go as far as the masters swimmers were going... (It doesnt have to be competitive... who did that woman think she was dealing with? Yes it does.) Luckily for me the lifeguard came over and told me I had to stop. It was raining to hard to keep going. They couldnt see the bottom of the pool and needed us to get out. I thanked the woman in the next lane for asking me to join their group and hopped out. I couldnt wait to tell Stuie how my second swim of the summer had gone.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 09:48:24 +0000

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