I have dominated for my best friend ...! :) Riya Kao I want to - TopicsExpress


I have dominated for my best friend ...! :) Riya Kao I want to dominate to my best friend Wén Xiū Huá,Ounny Kour Oey Saob,Boy Bx......have fun :P Name: Vuth Nick name: Raksa Birthdate: 02 February 1994 Current location: Poipet,Cambodia Job : seller (thai-Khmer border market,Poipet ) Study : finish grade 11 Know : Khmer , English , thai Eye Color : Dark brown Hair Color : Unidentify Height : 1.60cm Weight : 51kg Tatoos: Love it but mum will kill if i have it :)) Boyfriend/Girlfriend: @.@ Animal: Dog , fish and Cat Favourite Songwriter: lady GaGa and Nambonnaroth, Heroes: Mum & Dad Dream : make a happiest family .. ________________________________________________________ My Favorite ^^ Food : All kinds of food except fish Drink: coke,seven upl,( when feel lonely ) Candy : yes please :) Color: Black and White , Blue sometimes Perfume: CK TV Show: >< Dont know Music : Roamtic Movie: spider man, baby day out Actor/Actress: Se7en , Rain ________________________________________________________ ♥This or That♥ Pepsi or Coke : se7en up Lucky se7en or KFC : Lucky Se7en Chocolate or Vanilla : chocolate Hot Chocolate or Coffee : Coffee Kiss or Hug : Both Dog or Cat : Dog Rap or Punk : Hip-Hip :P Summer or Winter : Winter Scary Movies or Funny Movies : Scary Movies O.o Love or Money : love ________________________________________________________ ♥YOUR...♥ Bedtime : bedtime??? O_O ( alway midnight) Most Missed Memory : None Best phyiscal feature : None First Thought Waking Up : Play games Ambition : secret Weakness : Easily hurt and easy love Fears : love How many fake love did ive got: @.@ Forgot What countries do i want to Visit : Thailand , Hong kong How do you want to Die : well...NOT naked :)))):D Do you Smoke : No *hide the cigarettes* Do you Drink : No,*throw the bottle* Hate anyone : Should i? My habit: sometimes m talkative and funny like joking Thing always do: play games Lie: Never lie ( lolz m lying ) Advantage: Sweet ,Kind, Friendly,Helpful, Smart ^^(kinda proud :P) Disadvantage: Too Bad Temper (easily to get angry), Lazy, Love Bad word,Cant hide the feeling sometimes.so idiot in mathematics, I act like a kid sometimes. Im actually a very sweet person, get to know me. If you ever want to know something about me, ask me I wont bite. ________________________________________________________ Its my pleasure to be ur love ♥♥♥♥ ..... ! ------------------------------------------------
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 13:49:38 +0000

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