I have done a great deal of thinking and reflecting this past - TopicsExpress


I have done a great deal of thinking and reflecting this past week. I, like most people, when faced if not with my own, but the mortality of someone I love, stop and think about many things. One of the most important being life and not only how precious and fragile it is but how we all have a tendency to take things for granted in so many areas of our lives. How it is always going to be something that happens to someone else, but not to ourselves or to someone we love. I lost my dad to a heart attack at the age of 19, in 2005 I lost my brother, my mom and my best friend fur baby of 13 years in less than 30 days, I once received a phone call during the middle of the night to tell me my son had a motorcycle accident and broke his neck and a time my brother-in-law spent too much time in ICU after a car accident not knowing if he would survive. I sat on the bedside of a loved one taking their last breath as they lost their battle with cancer and finding comfort for a moment in knowing he went home to be with God. As these thoughts and pictures flashed through my mind there was an overwhelming amount of emotions, that comes when we are afraid once again of losing someone we love. I cried, I prayed and then I thanked God. I thanked God for His mercy and grace that overflowed that day, that the life of my husband had been spared. You may ask why am I telling you all of this, why am I purging some of my deepest feelings? God has given me a heart for people, if you are family, friend, co-worker, or just an acquaintance….I care about you! I want you to take care of yourselves, I want you to STOP for a moment and realize we all only have ONE life, it is NOT a dress rehearsal and although we would love to believe we will live to a ripe old age, there is NO guarantee. If you yourself have been confronted with your own mortality and have been given a “God given” second chance, because believe me that is the only place from where it comes, don’t live in denial of was has happened or for the few moments or months in fear and saying I need to change certain things to better my health and then forget it with time, BUT cling to that memory, that moment, not with fear BUT WITH GRATITUDE that He is not finished with you yet. There are those who have passed that weren’t given a second chance , they had no choice in the matter of their passing, BUT those of us that are still here, we are being given the choice. Does one continue to live with the attitude “I don’t want to walk into heaven, but I want to slide in all used up” OR with the humbleness and the “Thank you God for finding me worthy of another day, another chance”. I have attempted to take better care of myself this past year and ½ but still haven’t done things I know I need to better my own health and I too need to focus on doing better. Our lives are not our own. First and foremost we belong to God, secondly we belong to our family members and we owe it to them to take care of ourselves to do right by them as well. ♥Not only be blessed, but be a blessing, AND Live, Love, Laugh, Dance as if No One Is Watching♥
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 14:45:33 +0000

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